Amcor Capsules and Moët & Chandon Unveil ESSENTIELLE: A Plastic-Free Aluminium Foil

Amcor Capsules and Moët & Chandon partner to launch ESSENTIELLE, a plastic-free aluminium foil, in October 2024, with a 31% lower carbon footprint. The foil will be produced at Amcor's Mareuil-sur-Aÿ site in France, initially with a textured finish, and later with a smooth finish in 2025.

Aqsa Younas Rana
New Update
Amcor Capsules and Moët & Chandon Unveil ESSENTIELLE: A Plastic-Free Aluminium Foil

Amcor Capsules and Moët & Chandon Unveil ESSENTIELLE: A Plastic-Free Aluminium Foil

In a significant partnership, Amcor Capsules and Moët & Chandon are set to launch ESSENTIELLE, a plastic-free aluminium foil, in October 2024. This innovative product, made from aluminium and paper, boasts a 31% lower carbon footprint compared to standard alternatives.

Why this matters: The partnership between Amcor Capsules and Moët & Chandon to launch a plastic-free aluminium foil marks a significant step towards reducing environmental impact in the packaging industry. This innovation could inspire other companies to adopt sustainable practices, leading to a substantial reduction in carbon emissions and waste.

ESSENTIELLE will be produced at Amcor's Mareuil-sur-Aÿ site in Champagne, France. Initially, the foil will be available with a textured finish, with a smooth finish option to be introduced in early 2025. The product is part of Amcor's Transparence programme, launched in July 2023, which aims to reduce environmental impact by integrating high levels of recycled tin and up to 46% recycled aluminium in screw caps.

The new foil is designed to maintain the aesthetic properties required by champagne producers while improving environmental impact. It will not affect Moët & Chandon's high-speed bottling and packaging processes, which can handle over 12,000 bottles per hour. The paper component of the foil is produced in Europe, further reducing the carbon footprint.

Sibylle Scherer, President and CEO of Moët & Chandon, expressed delight in the collaboration, stating, "At Moët et Chandon, we are thrilled to support and accelerate innovation within the Champagne sector. Our collaboration on the Essentielle project with Amcor Capsules – a leader in its sector and our partner for 15 years – is evidence of this belief."

Yannick Magnon, Managing Director of Amcor Capsules, highlighted the expertise at the Mareuil-sur-Aÿ site, saying, "The launch of the Essentielle plastic-free foil draws attention to the expertise at our Mareuil-sur-Aÿ site, which specialises in the manufacture of foils and is located in the heart of the Champagne region. Amcor Capsules is drawing on Essentielle to revolutionise the industry by offering a recyclable, plastic-free solution that suits the fast pace of packaging lines."

This partnership reflects a broader commitment to sustainability within the industry. Amcor Capsules' Transparence programme has already achieved significant milestones, such as incorporating more than 90% recycled tin content into its premium tin capsules and sparkling foils. Moët & Chandon has been spearheading initiatives to reduce its environmental impact and cut carbon emissions for over a decade.

The launch of ESSENTIELLE marks a significant step towards reducing environmental impact in the packaging industry. With Moët & Chandon transitioning its champagne to this new sustainable packaging solution, the industry may see a substantial shift towards eco-friendly practices.

Key Takeaways

  • Amcor Capsules and Moët & Chandon launch ESSENTIELLE, a plastic-free aluminium foil, in October 2024.
  • ESSENTIELLE has a 31% lower carbon footprint compared to standard alternatives.
  • The foil is made from aluminium and paper, with a textured finish initially and smooth finish in 2025.
  • Moët & Chandon will transition its champagne to ESSENTIELLE, reducing environmental impact.
  • The partnership aims to inspire sustainable practices in the packaging industry.