Microsoft Warns of Russian Influence Campaigns Targeting 2024 Paris Olympics

Microsoft warns that Russia-affiliated actors are conducting influence campaigns to disrupt the 2024 Paris Olympics, aiming to damage the IOC's reputation and spread fear of violence. The campaigns use artificial intelligence, fake news sites, and social media bots to spread disinformation and propaganda.

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Microsoft Warns of Russian Influence Campaigns Targeting 2024 Paris Olympics

Microsoft Warns of Russian Influence Campaigns Targeting 2024 Paris Olympics

Microsoft has issued a warning that Russia-affiliated actors are conducting influence campaigns to disrupt the 2024 Paris Olympics. The campaigns aim to damage the reputation of the International Olympics Committee (IOC) and spread fear of violence to deter attendance.

The Microsoft Threat Analysis Center (MTAC) has identified two Russian influence actors, Storm-1679 and Storm-1099, who have pivoted their operations since June 2023 to focus on the Olympics. These actors have been using artificial intelligence, fake news sites, and social media bots to spread disinformation and propaganda.

Storm-1679 has released a feature-length film called 'Olympics Has Fallen' featuring a fake AI-generated audio of Tom Cruise criticizing the IOC leadership. The group has also released fake videos and press releases claiming terrorism threats and IOC corruption.

Storm-1099 has used 15 French language 'news' sites to make claims of rampant IOC corruption and warn of potential violence at the Games. These sites have produced fake versions of reputable French news outlets like Le Parisien and Le Point.

Why this matters: The disruption of the 2024 Paris Olympics could have far-reaching consequences for international relations, global security, and the Olympic movement as a whole. If successful, these influence campaigns could undermine trust in the IOC and French authorities, leading to a decline in attendance and participation in the Games.

According to Clint Watts, general manager of the Microsoft Threat Analysis Center, 'While Russia has a decades-long history of targeting the Olympic Games, the Microsoft Threat Analysis Center has observed old tactics blending with artificial intelligence in malign activity that may intensify prior to the 2024 Paris opening ceremony approaches.'

Microsoft expects these malign activities to ramp up over the coming weeks, expanding to English, German, and other languages. The use of generative AI is likely to increase, and there may be a tactical shift towards online bots and automated social media accounts.

Russian actors may attempt to create the illusion of protests or real-world provocations near Olympic venues to manipulate public perceptions and generate fear and uncertainty. *'On the ground, Russian actors may look to exploit the focus on stringent security by creating the illusions of protests or real-world provocations, thus undermining confidence in the IOC and French security forces,'* said Watts.

The 2024 Paris Olympics are scheduled to take place from July 26 to August 11, 2024. France and the IOC have been working to ensure the security of the Games, but Microsoft's warning highlights the potential for Russian influence campaigns to disrupt the event.

Russia has a history of cyber aggression against the Olympics, including a 2020 US Justice Department filing of charges against six alleged Russian intelligence agents for cyberattacks that sought to disrupt the 2018 Winter Olympics. The IOC has also faced criticism from Russia, which was angered by the committee's decision to allow Russian athletes to participate in the Olympics only as 'Individual Neutral Athletes.'

With the 2024 Paris Olympics approaching, the international community will need to remain vigilant against these influence campaigns. The integrity and success of the Games depend on countering these malign activities and ensuring a safe environment for athletes and attendees.

Key Takeaways

  • Microsoft warns of Russia-affiliated influence campaigns targeting 2024 Paris Olympics.
  • Two Russian actors, Storm-1679 and Storm-1099, use AI, fake news, and social media bots to spread disinfo.
  • Campaigns aim to damage IOC reputation, spread fear, and deter attendance.
  • Russia has a history of cyber aggression against Olympics, including 2018 Winter Olympics.
  • International community must remain vigilant to counter these malign activities.