Rising Tide: Racism and Intolerance Surge in France Amid Gaza Conflict and Far-Right Influence

Findings from France’s human rights commission, the CNCDH, show racism and intolerance are surging in the country, driven by the war in Gaza and the influence of far-right rhetoric.

Nimrah Khatoon
New Update
Racism and intolerance are surging in France driven by the war in Gaza.

Racism and intolerance are surging in France driven by the war in Gaza.

Racism and intolerance are on the rise in France, according to a report by the French human rights commission, the CNCDH. The annual report, published on Thursday, attributes the increase to the ongoing war in Gaza and the proliferation of far-right ideas in public discourse. The findings highlight a troubling trend of growing xenophobia, antisemitism, and Islamophobia, exacerbated by the political climate and international events.

The far-right National Rally (RN) party, led by Marine Le Pen, has been gaining significant traction in the French political landscape. Currently leading in the polls for the upcoming legislative elections, the RN's platform includes proposals to restrict immigrant rights, a stance the CNCDH argues is fundamentally opposed to the French constitutional principles of equality, fraternity, and freedom. The party's success in recent elections, including securing 88 seats in the 2022 legislative elections and 30 seats in the European Parliament, has emboldened racist opinions and intensified public debates around immigration and national identity.

Why this matters: The CNCDH report underscores a critical challenge to the foundational values of the French Republic. The far-right's ascendancy, coupled with the mainstreaming of its xenophobic rhetoric, poses a direct threat to the principles of equality, fraternity, and freedom. By advocating for policies that prioritize "national preference," the RN is promoting a vision of France that is exclusionary and divisive. This approach undermines the inclusive ideals that are supposed to define the nation, fostering a climate where intolerance can flourish.

The ongoing conflict in Gaza has had profound repercussions in France, sparking a significant rise in antisemitic and Islamophobic incidents. The CNCDH report highlights that the Israel-Palestinian conflict consistently triggers spikes in antisemitic acts, but the current level is unprecedented. The war has become a catalyst for hate, amplifying existing prejudices and leading to a marked increase in racist acts across the country. This dynamic illustrates how international events can deeply impact domestic social cohesion, exacerbating divisions within society.

The report also points to a notable shift in the political landscape under President Emmanuel Macron’s government. In response to the growing influence of the far-right, Macron’s administration has adopted tougher stances on security, identity, and immigration issues. This rightward shift has further polarized public opinion and contributed to the normalization of xenophobic rhetoric. The proposed immigration law introduced in February 2023, which echoes the RN's "national preference" ideology, has been particularly contentious, reinforcing xenophobic trends and contributing to a climate of exclusion.

The CNCDH report provides alarming statistics that highlight the human impact of these trends. Reports of antisemitic and anti-Muslim acts have surged by 284% and 29%, respectively, while other types of racist acts have increased by 21%. These figures reflect a society grappling with significant challenges to its social fabric. Additionally, survey data reveals a growing sense of alienation among the general population, with 51% of respondents feeling that they no longer feel at home in France, up from 43% in 2022. Among RN supporters, this sentiment skyrockets to 91%, illustrating the deep divisions within French society.

Public opinion on issues of immigration and security is starkly divided. While 43% of French residents surveyed attribute insecurity to immigration, this belief is held by a staggering 83% of RN supporters. Despite these fears, a majority of the population—69%—rejects the RN’s "national preference" policy, indicating that there is still significant resistance to the far-right’s exclusionary vision. This complex landscape of public sentiment underscores the challenges facing French society as it navigates these turbulent times.

Key Takeaways

  • The rise of the far-right National Rally and its xenophobic rhetoric pose a threat to the foundational values of equality, fraternity, and freedom in France.
  • The ongoing war in Gaza has led to a significant increase in antisemitic and Islamophobic incidents in France, highlighting the domestic repercussions of international conflicts.
  • President Emmanuel Macron's government has shifted to the right on security, identity, and immigration issues, further polarizing public opinion and normalizing xenophobic rhetoric.
  • Reports of antisemitic and anti-Muslim acts have surged, and a growing number of people feel alienated in their own country, reflecting deep societal divisions.
  • While there is significant fear and mistrust towards immigrants among RN supporters, a majority of the French population rejects the far-right’s exclusionary "national preference" policy.