Honduran Authorities Nab Notorious Fugitive 'Cubeta' After Two-Year Manhunt, Extradition to US Looms

Honduran authorities capture notorious fugitive "Cubeta" after a two-year manhunt, wanted for extradition by the US on charges of drug trafficking and illegal arms trafficking.

Nitish Verma
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Honduran Authorities Nab Notorious Fugitive 'Cubeta' After Two-Year Manhunt, Extradition to US Looms

In a major breakthrough, Honduran authorities have finally apprehended Mario José Cálix Hernández, alias "Cubeta", a former vice mayor of Gracias, Lempira, who was wanted for extradition by the United States on charges of drug trafficking and illegal arms trafficking. The capture was announced by Minister of Security, Gustavo Sánchez, who revealed that a reward of 1 million lempiras had been offered by the National Police for information leading to Cálix's arrest.

Cálix's arrest was the result of a joint operation involving agents from the Public Ministry (MP), the Special Prosecutor's Office against Organized Crime, Special Armed Forces, and the National Police of Honduras. The operation was carried out on a farm in the municipality of Catacamas, Olancho, after a two-year manhunt that involved coordination with the Foreign Ministry and police agencies of the United States.

According to Sánchez, Cálix had been moving around Olancho, where he had established commercial-criminal relationships with some individuals who provided him with support. Despite conducting several operations to capture him, Cálix had managed to evade authorities by using close contacts to gather information. However, the authorities remained undeterred and continued to pursue him, eventually tracking him down to the municipality of Catacamas.

Why it Matters : The capture of "Cubeta" is a significant milestone in the fight against organized crime and drug trafficking in Honduras. Cálix was one of 16 Hondurans wanted by the United States, and his extradition is expected to send a strong message to other fugitives who have been evading justice. The success of this operation is also a testament to the effectiveness of the strategy employed by the Honduran authorities, which involved offering rewards for information leading to the capture of wanted individuals.

Sánchez defended the strategy, saying that it had obtained positive results and would continue to be implemented to capture other members who are wanted by the law. He also revealed that the authorities had received a lot of information regarding the issue of the reward, which was being worked on in several cases.

Key Takeaways:

  • Mario José Cálix Hernández, alias "Cubeta", has been captured by Honduran authorities after a two-year manhunt.
  • Cálix was wanted for extradition by the United States on charges of drug trafficking and illegal arms trafficking.
  • The capture was the result of a joint operation involving multiple law enforcement agencies.
  • Cálix had been evading authorities by using close contacts to gather information, but was eventually tracked down to a farm in Olancho.
  • The capture of "Cubeta" is a significant milestone in the fight against organized crime and drug trafficking in Honduras.