Icelandic Lava Flow Engulfs Road, Threatens Coastal Town and Blue Lagoon

An active Icelandic volcano's lava flow has engulfed a road to Grindavik and the Blue Lagoon, leading to closures and close monitoring by officials. The Blue Lagoon was closed preemptively to ensure visitor safety.

Aqsa Younas Rana
New Update

An active Icelandic volcano's lava flow has engulfed a road to Grindavik and the Blue Lagoon.

The lava flow from an active Icelandic volcano has once again engulfed a road leading to the coastal town of Grindavik and the popular Blue Lagoon geothermal spa. Officials are closely monitoring the lava's path as it advances steadily. Drone footage captured on the Reykjanes Peninsula shows the slow but relentless progression of the lava flow, according to an announcement from the Icelandic Met Office.

Why This Matters: Early Saturday morning, it was reported that lava would begin to flow over Grindavíkurvegur Road, prompting the closure of the Blue Lagoon before the first visitors arrived. Helga Árnadóttir, director of sales, operations, and services at the Blue Lagoon, confirmed that the decision to close was made preemptively to ensure the safety of visitors. "We decided to close the lagoon before the first visitors arrived, so there were no visitors in the lagoon when it was closed," Árnadóttir said. However, hotel guests and employees were allowed to stay in the area until 11 o'clock in the morning.

Hjördís Guðmundsdóttir, communications manager of the Civil Protection Agency, stated that the gap in the defense wall was filled this morning in anticipation of the lava flow over Grindavíkurvegur Road. "It was something that was expected to happen," she said. The local fire department is on standby, ready to respond to any wildfires that may result from the lava flow. "The risk of wildfires is higher in this case," Guðmundsdóttir noted, adding that wildfires are not uncommon during volcanic events on the Reykjanes Peninsula.

The Icelandic Road and Coastal Administration reported that a lava pond broke this morning, causing lava to flow rapidly toward the road. This marks the third time that lava has flowed over the road in these areas. The Civil Protection Department has representatives in the area to monitor the situation and assist the operational board with their action plan.

The volcanic eruption in the Sundhnúkagígar crater row has been a significant event, drawing attention from both locals and tourists. The Blue Lagoon, a major tourist attraction, remains closed until further notice, with officials prioritizing safety and monitoring the lava's progression closely.

Key Takeaways:

  • Lava flow engulfs road to Grindavik and Blue Lagoon, prompting closures.
  • Blue Lagoon closed preemptively to ensure visitor safety amid lava threat.
  • Civil Protection Agency fills defense wall gap, anticipates lava flow over road.
  • Local fire department on standby due to increased wildfire risk.
  • Third instance of lava flowing over Grindavíkurvegur Road in recent events.
volcano iceland