India Slams US Report on Religious Freedom as "Deeply Biased"

India rejects the US State Department's report on International Religious Freedom for 2023, calling it "deeply biased" and a "one-sided projection of issues", citing concerns over the report's criticism of India's handling of religious minorities and its interference in India's internal affairs.

Nitish Verma
New Update

India has strongly rejected the US State Department's report on International Religious Freedom for 2023, labeling it as "deeply biased" and a "one-sided projection of issues." The report, which was unveiled by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Wednesday, highlighted concerns over the treatment of religious minorities in India, including a rise in anti-conversion laws, hate speech, and demolitions of homes and places of worship.

During a weekly press briefing, External Affairs Ministry spokesperson Randhir Jaiswal criticized the report, stating that it "questions the integrity of certain legal judgments of the Indian courts" and relies on "biased sources" to advance a pre-conceived narrative. Jaiswal also pointed out that the report selectively picked incidents to support its claims, ignoring the country's constitutional provisions and duly enacted laws.

The report, which dedicates nearly 69 pages to the state of religious freedom in India, flags several concerns, including the campaign for a Uniform Civil Code (UCC) and the campaign for creating a "Hindu Rashtra" in India. It also alleges complicity between law enforcement agencies and majoritarian groups, leading to violence against religious minorities.

Why it Matters : The report's findings have significant implications for India's reputation on the global stage. As a country that prides itself on its secular democracy, India's treatment of religious minorities is closely watched by the international community. The report's criticism of India's handling of religious freedom could lead to increased scrutiny and pressure from human rights organizations and other countries.

In response to the report's criticism, Jaiswal raised the issue of hate crimes and racial attacks against Indians and other minority communities in the US. He highlighted the law and order situation in the US, citing instances of vandalism and targeting of places of worship, as well as the political space given to advocates of extremism and terrorism abroad.

The US report's focus on India, Pakistan, and other countries that pose a growing threat to religious minorities has sparked a diplomatic row between India and the US. The report's findings have been met with strong resistance from the Indian government, which has accused the US of interfering in its internal affairs.

Key Takeaways :

  • India rejects US report on religious freedom as "deeply biased" and a "one-sided projection of issues."
  • The report highlights concerns over the treatment of religious minorities in India, including a rise in anti-conversion laws and hate speech.
  • India accuses the US of interfering in its internal affairs and questions the integrity of its legal judgments.
  • The report's findings have significant implications for India's reputation on the global stage.
  • The diplomatic row between India and the US highlights the complexities of religious freedom and its interpretation in different countries.