Indonesian President Redefines 'Future City' as Inclusive and Sustainable

Indonesian President Joko Widodo redefines the concept of a 'future city' as pedestrian-friendly, disability-inclusive, and environmentally sustainable. His vision prioritizes citizens' well-being and aligns with global efforts to create more liveable and sustainable urban communities.

Nimrah Khatoon
New Update
Indonesian President Redefines 'Future City' as Inclusive and Sustainable

Indonesian President Redefines 'Future City' as Inclusive and Sustainable

Indonesian President Joko Widodo has redefined the concept of a 'future city,' emphasizing its focus on being pedestrian-friendly, disability-inclusive, and environmentally sustainable. This vision challenges the common misconception that future cities are primarily characterized by modern high-rise buildings.

President Widodo's vision prioritizes the well-being of citizens, ensuring urban development is centered around people and sustainability. This approach aligns with global efforts to create more liveable and sustainable urban communities.

The concept was highlighted during the World Cities Summit 2024, where Associate Professor Faishal Ibrahim, Minister of State, Ministry of National Development and Ministry of Home Affairs, underscored the importance of creating thriving and sustainable urban environments.

This redefinition of a 'future city' has significant implications for urban development and sustainability globally. Urbanization continues to reshape our planet, adopting inclusive and sustainable city planning can improve the quality of life for millions of people.

Widodo's future city concept includes integrating technology to address urban challenges such as climate change, environmental degradation, and ageing populations. This holistic approach aims to create cities that are not only modern but also resilient and inclusive.

Nusantara, Indonesia's new capital, is a prime example of this vision. The city is being developed with a focus on sustainability and inclusivity, setting a benchmark for future urban projects in the country.

Globally, cities like Suzhou Industrial Park and Tianjin Eco City in China have demonstrated successful collaborations in sustainable urban development, serving as models for Indonesia's future city initiative.

The emphasis on pedestrian-friendly and disability-inclusive infrastructure is particularly significant in ensuring that all citizens can access and enjoy urban spaces. This inclusive approach is expected to enhance the quality of life for residents, making cities more accessible and enjoyable.

The world's rapid urbanization underscores the growing importance of sustainable and inclusive cities. President Widodo's vision offers a blueprint for other nations to follow, promoting a future where cities are designed with the needs of all citizens in mind.

To recap, President Joko Widodo's redefinition of a 'future city' goes beyond modern architecture, focusing instead on creating urban environments that are inclusive, sustainable, and centered around the well-being of their inhabitants.

Key Takeaways

  • Indonesian President Joko Widodo redefines "future city" as pedestrian-friendly, disability-inclusive, and sustainable.
  • Widodo's vision prioritizes citizen well-being and sustainability over modern architecture.
  • Nusantara, Indonesia's new capital, is a prime example of this vision, focusing on sustainability and inclusivity.
  • Inclusive infrastructure ensures all citizens can access and enjoy urban spaces, enhancing quality of life.
  • Widodo's vision offers a blueprint for sustainable and inclusive cities, promoting a people-centered approach.