Assassin's Creed Shadows' Black Samurai Sparks Debate on Historical Accuracy and Diversity

Andrey Rachkin's op-ed sparks debate over Assassin's Creed Shadows' historical accuracy and diversity, featuring a black samurai in Feudal Japan. The game's trailer is the most disliked in the series, with mixed reactions from the gaming community.

Aqsa Younas Rana
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Assassin's Creed Shadows' Black Samurai Sparks Debate on Historical Accuracy and Diversity

Assassin's Creed Shadows' Black Samurai Sparks Debate on Historical Accuracy and Diversity

Andrey Rachkin, a KHL administrator and RT Entertainment contributor, has ignited a heated discussion with his recent op-ed on the upcoming Assassin's Creed game, Assassin's Creed Shadows. The game, set in Feudal Japan, features two protagonists: Naoe, a Japanese female ninja, and Yasuke, an African samurai. This decision has polarized the gaming community, raising questions about historical accuracy and the role of diversity in Global storytelling.

Assassin's Creed Shadows, set to be released in November 2024, has already attracted significant attention. The game's reveal trailer on YouTube is the most disliked in the series' history, with many gamers expressing disappointment and accusing Ubisoft of prioritizing diversity and inclusion over historical accuracy. The inclusion of a black samurai, Yasuke, has been particularly contentious.

Rachkin's op-ed has further fueled the debate. He questioned the developers' motives, stating, 'Maybe the developers wanted to add the same choose your playstyle feature they already had in Syndicate. Or maybe they saw the opportunity to put another underrepresented person in a setting they probably have no place in just to show the world how progressive they are.' This sentiment reflects a broader skepticism among some gamers who feel that such decisions are driven more by a desire to appear progressive rather than by a commitment to good storytelling.

Why this matters: The debate over historical accuracy and diversity in media has broader implications for how we represent and engage with different cultures and communities. The outcome of this debate could influence the way developers approach representation in games and other forms of media, with potential consequences for diversity and inclusion in the industry.

However, not everyone shares this view. Some see the inclusion of Yasuke as a bold and commendable move. One online opinion noted, 'The decision to make one of the protagonists non-Japanese is a brave one.' This perspective highlights a growing recognition of the importance of diversity and representation in media, even in historical settings.

Yasuke, the African samurai, was indeed a real historical figure who lived in Japan during the 16th century under Oda Nabunaga's reign. However, historians are divided on whether he was a mercenary samurai or merely a slave in Nabunaga's court. Assassin's Creed games have a history of including prominent historical figures to enhance the immersive experience, making the inclusion of Yasuke both a nod to history and a point of contention.

Despite the controversy, Assassin's Creed Shadows is performing well commercially. It is currently the #1 best-seller on Amazon Japan, indicating strong sales despite the mixed reactions. This success suggests that while the debate over historical accuracy and diversity continues, there is still significant interest in the game.

The ongoing debate highlights a broader tension within the gaming industry between maintaining historical authenticity and promoting diversity. As Rachkin's op-ed and the community's responses show, this is a complex issue with passionate opinions on both sides. Whether the inclusion of a black samurai in a game set in Feudal Japan will be seen as a progressive step or a historical misstep remains to be seen.

Key Takeaways

  • Assassin's Creed Shadows features a black samurai, Yasuke, sparking debate on historical accuracy and diversity.
  • The game's reveal trailer is the most disliked in the series' history, with many criticizing the inclusion of Yasuke.
  • Yasuke was a real historical figure, but historians are divided on his role in 16th-century Japan.
  • Despite controversy, the game is currently the #1 best-seller on Amazon Japan.
  • The debate highlights the tension between historical authenticity and promoting diversity in the gaming industry.