Jordan Prepares for September 10 Parliamentary Elections with Inclusive Measures

Jordan's Independent Elections Commission prepares for September 10 parliamentary elections, requesting voter lists and ensuring inclusivity for people with disabilities. The commission aims to increase representation for women and youth, promoting a transparent and inclusive electoral process.

Bijay Laxmi
New Update
Jordan Prepares for September 10 Parliamentary Elections with Inclusive Measures

Jordan Prepares for September 10 Parliamentary Elections with Inclusive Measures

Jordan's Independent Elections Commission (IEC) is gearing up for the upcoming parliamentary elections scheduled for September 10. In a key step, the IEC has requested the voter list from the Civil Status and Passport Department (CSPD), which has seven days to comply.

The upcoming parliamentary elections in Jordan have significant implications for the country's political framework and its efforts towards inclusivity and representation. The success of these elections could pave the way for further political reforms and increased participation from underrepresented groups.

The elections are expected to see around 5 million voters participating. The IEC is taking significant measures to ensure inclusivity, particularly for people with human rights. Polling stations will be equipped with suitable facilities to accommodate these voters.

Additionally, the IEC is focusing on increasing representation for women and youth. Following the 2022 amendments to the Political Parties Law, political parties are required to have at least 20% of their members be women and youth within three years of their foundation.

His Majesty King Abdullah has emphasized the importance of a fair and transparent electoral process. During a visit to the IEC in late April, he called for 'zero tolerance of any violations' to ensure the success of the elections.

The IEC will make the voter list publicly accessible by publishing it on its social media platforms and distributing it to municipalities, CSPD offices, and election committees. This move aims to enhance transparency and allow the public to verify their information.

The Royal Committee to Modernise the Political System has played a crucial role in revisiting the Political Parties Law and the Elections Law as part of its mandate to achieve political reform. These efforts are expected to promote a more inclusive and representative political environment in Jordan.

With elections approaching, the IEC's preparations highlight Jordan's commitment to a transparent and inclusive electoral process. The measures taken to accommodate people with disabilities and increase representation for women and youth reflect the country's dedication to political reform and inclusivity.

Key Takeaways

  • Jordan's parliamentary elections are scheduled for September 10.
  • 5 million voters are expected to participate, with measures for inclusivity.
  • IEC ensures accessibility for people with disabilities and promotes women/youth representation.
  • Voter list will be publicly accessible to enhance transparency.
  • King Abdullah emphasizes the importance of a fair and transparent electoral process.