Kenyan Protest Death Toll Rises to 13 Amid Violent Clashes Over Tax Hikes

The death toll from anti-tax hike protests in Kenya has reached 13, following violent clashes between demonstrators and police in Nairobi. The unrest has led to parts of the parliament being ransacked and the deployment of the military to restore order.

Aqsa Younas Rana
New Update

Kenya's anti-tax hike protests have turned deadly, with 13 reported fatalities.

The death toll from protests in Kenya has climbed to 13, according to an official from the main doctors' association. The anti-tax hike rallies, which began peacefully, turned violent when demonstrators clashed with police and ransacked the parliament.

The unprecedented scenes on Tuesday saw parts of the parliament ablaze and scores of people injured, shocking the nation and prompting President William Ruto's government to deploy the military. The primarily youth-led protests started last week, with thousands marching in the capital Nairobi and across the country against the tax increases.

Why This Matters: Tensions escalated sharply on Tuesday afternoon as police officers fired live rounds on crowds, leading to the ransacking of the parliament complex. Hours later, Defence Minister Aden Bare Duale announced that the government had deployed the army to support the police in addressing what he described as a "security emergency."

"So far, we have at least 13 people killed, but this is not the final number," said Simon Kigondu, president of the Kenya Medical Association. He noted that he had never seen "such a level of violence against unarmed people." An official at Kenyatta National Hospital in Nairobi reported that medics were treating "160 people... some with soft tissue injuries, some with bullet wounds."

In a late-night press briefing, President Ruto warned that his government would take a tough stance against "violence and anarchy," likening some of the demonstrators to "criminals." He stated, "It is not in order or even conceivable that criminals pretending to be peaceful protesters can reign terror against the people, their elected representatives, and the institutions established under our constitution and expect to go scot-free."

The government's decision to deploy the military underscores the severity of the unrest, which has seen the death toll rise and significant damage to public property. The protests highlight deep-seated frustrations among Kenyans over economic issues, with the tax hikes serving as a flashpoint for broader discontent.

Key Takeaways:

  • Protest death toll in Kenya reaches 13 amid violent clashes.
  • Military deployed after demonstrators ransacked and set fire to parliament.
  • Protests initially peaceful, sparked by opposition to tax hikes.
  • President Ruto condemns violence, vows tough action against demonstrators.
  • Hospitals treating 160 injured, including those with bullet wounds.

Kenya Protest