Lioness Invades Nairobi Garden, Escapes with Family's Pet Rottweiler

A wild lioness invaded a family's garden in Nairobi, Kenya, and escaped with their pet Rottweiler, Jaci, in its jaws. The entire incident, which lasted less than 10 minutes, was captured on CCTV footage.

Bijay Laxmi
New Update
Lioness Invades Nairobi Garden, Escapes with Family's Pet Rottweiler

Lioness Invades Nairobi Garden, Escapes with Family's Pet Rottweiler

In a shocking event in the suburbs of Nairobi, Kenya, a wild lioness invaded a family's garden and escaped with their pet Rottweiler, Jaci, in its jaws. The entire incident, which occurred on May 21, 2024, was captured on CCTV footage, showing the lioness scaling the walls of the gated property and attacking the dog.

The attack, which lasted less than 10 minutes, took place while the family was at home but unaware of the unfolding danger. Sylvia Wamai, the dog's owner, and her family were left in shock and grief after discovering the loss of their beloved pet.

Sylvia Wamai described the harrowing experience: "It didn't even take 10 minutes. Just like that, we lost our dog." The family was outside looking for Jaci when they realized the lioness was only a few meters away from their gate.

Joshua Isigi, a worker at the compound, attempted to scare the lioness away using a machete and metal plates, but his efforts were in vain. "I picked up a machete and scraped it against some iron sheets to scare her off," Isigi recounted.

This incident highlights the growing concern of wildlife encroachment in suburban areas, which can lead to devastating consequences for both humans and animals. If left unchecked, such incidents could lead to increased human-wildlife conflict, posing a threat to public safety and wildlife conservation efforts.

The Wamai family had owned Jaci and her littermate, Laser, for nearly two years. The incident has left them devastated, with Sylvia Wamai expressing the difficulty of coping with the loss: "It's hard to give one dog love and then remember the other was taken, and it wasn't a normal death. It was something that just shocked us out of nowhere. It's just sad."

The family's property is located near a national park, where it is common to spot wildlife. However, it is extremely rare for such animals to invade local homes. The lioness left paw prints on the property's walls, highlighting the unusual nature of the incident.

Local authorities are currently investigating the incident and addressing the issue of wildlife encroachment in suburban areas. The community remains on high alert, hoping to prevent any future occurrences.

The Wamai family continues to grieve the loss of Jaci, a beloved member of their family. As they come to terms with the incident, they are left with the harsh reality of the unpredictable nature of living near wildlife.

Key Takeaways

  • A lioness invaded a family's garden in Nairobi, Kenya, and escaped with their pet Rottweiler, Jaci.
  • The entire incident was captured on CCTV footage, showing the lioness scaling the walls and attacking the dog.
  • The attack lasted less than 10 minutes, and the family was unaware of the danger until it was too late.
  • The incident highlights the growing concern of wildlife encroachment in suburban areas, posing a threat to public safety and wildlife conservation.
  • Local authorities are investigating the incident and addressing the issue of wildlife encroachment in suburban areas.