Human Rights Group Claims Israel Used White Phosphorus in Southern Lebanon, Potentially Violating International Law

Human Rights Watch (HRW) released a report accusing Israel of using white phosphorus incendiary shells on residential buildings in at least five towns and villages in southern Lebanon.

Nitish Verma
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Human Rights Group Claims Israel Used White Phosphorus in Southern Lebanon, Potentially Violating International Law

In a damning report released on Wednesday, the global human rights organization Human Rights Watch (HRW) has accused Israel of using white phosphorus incendiary shells on residential buildings in at least five towns and villages in conflict-hit southern Lebanon. This alleged action potentially harms civilians and violates international law, adding another layer of complexity to the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hezbollah.

The report, based on interviews with eight residents in southern Lebanon and verified by geolocated images and videos, claims that white phosphorus shells have landed on residential buildings in the Lebanese border towns and villages of Kfar Kila, Mays al-Jabal, Boustan, Markaba, and Aita al-Shaab – areas that have been among the hardest hit in the eight-month-long conflict.

While HRW acknowledged that there is no evidence of burn injuries due to white phosphorus in Lebanon, the group stated that researchers had "heard accounts indicating possible respiratory damage." Human rights advocates argue that firing such controversial munitions into populated areas constitutes a crime under international law.

Israel, however, maintains that it uses white phosphorus solely as a smokescreen and not to target civilians. The white-hot chemical substance, known for its ability to set buildings ablaze and burn human flesh to the bone, poses severe risks to those exposed, including the potential for infections, organ failure, and respiratory complications, even in cases of relatively minor burns.

Why It Matters: The alleged use of white phosphorus in residential areas of southern Lebanon by Israeli forces underscores the grave humanitarian consequences of the ongoing conflict and the urgent need for accountability. The potential harm inflicted on innocent civilians, including the risk of respiratory damage and burn injuries, is a stark violation of international laws and norms governing the conduct of warfare.

Moreover, this report by HRW further erodes the already fragile trust between the warring parties and complicates efforts to broker a lasting ceasefire or peaceful resolution. The use of such controversial and indiscriminate weapons not only exacerbates the suffering of civilian populations but also undermines the moral and legal foundations upon which international humanitarian laws are built.

Furthermore, the allegations raised in the report highlight the pressing need for independent and impartial investigations into potential war crimes and violations of human rights. Only through a thorough examination of the facts and the pursuit of justice can the cycle of violence be broken and the path toward reconciliation and lasting peace be paved.

As the conflict drags on, the international community must take decisive action to hold all parties accountable for their actions and to protect the lives and dignity of civilians caught in the crossfire. Failure to address such grave allegations only perpetuates an environment of impunity and increases the likelihood of further atrocities being committed.

Key Takeaways:

  • HRW accuses Israel of using white phosphorus shells on residential areas in southern Lebanon.
  • The alleged action potentially harms civilians and violates international law.
  • White phosphorus can cause severe burn injuries, respiratory damage, and other health risks.
  • The report highlights the urgent need for accountability and independent investigations.
  • The international community must take decisive action to protect civilians and pursue justice.