Luxembourg Unveils New Tool to Combat Animal Cruelty Cases

Luxembourg introduces a new email address,, for reporting animal cruelty cases. The tool complements an existing phone number, allowing residents to report incidents and helping authorities take action against perpetrators.

Nimrah Khatoon
New Update
Luxembourg Unveils New Tool to Combat Animal Cruelty Cases

Luxembourg Unveils New Tool to Combat Animal Cruelty Cases

On Tuesday, Luxembourg's Minister of Agriculture, Martine Hansen, introduced a new tool to report cases of animal cruelty at a press conference. The tool, a dedicated email address,, allows residents to report incidents of animal abuse. This email service complements the existing phone number of the Luxembourg Veterinary and Food Administration (ALVA), which also accepts complaints.

In 2023, a total of 143 complaints were filed, with 81 concerning pets and the remainder relating to farm animals. This statistic highlights the need for effective reporting mechanisms to address animal cruelty in Luxembourg.

Animal cruelty is a significant concern that affects not only the welfare of animals but also has implications for human society as a whole. Effective reporting mechanisms are vital in combating animal cruelty, and the introduction of this new tool can lead to increased accountability and a reduction in animal abuse cases.

Residents are reminded that complaints submitted via email cannot be anonymous. Minister Hansen emphasized the importance of providing specific information when filing a report: 'The more precise the information provided, the better equipped the authorities will be to take appropriate action.'

This new tool aims to combat the increasing number of animal cruelty cases in Luxembourg. By encouraging residents to report any incidents, authorities hope to take swift and effective action against perpetrators.

The introduction of reflects Luxembourg's commitment to animal welfare and the proactive measures being taken to address cruelty. With both an email and phone reporting system in place, residents now have multiple avenues to ensure that cases of abuse do not go unnoticed.

To recap, the new reporting tool is a significant step in combating animal cruelty in Luxembourg. Authorities urge residents to utilize this resource to help protect animals and hold abusers accountable.

Key Takeaways

  • Luxembourg introduces, a dedicated email to report animal cruelty cases.
  • In 2023, 143 complaints were filed, with 81 concerning pets and 62 concerning farm animals.
  • Effective reporting mechanisms are vital in combating animal cruelty and promoting accountability.
  • Residents can report incidents via email or phone, but complaints cannot be anonymous.
  • The new tool aims to reduce animal abuse cases and promote animal welfare in Luxembourg.