President Chakwera Launches MRCS Flag Week to Aid El Nino Victims

President Lazarus Chakwera launches Malawi Red Cross 2024 flag week, themed 'Keeping humanity alive', to raise K160 million for El Nino victims. Chakwera donates K2 million, urging Malawians to contribute generously to support affected populations.

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President Chakwera Launches MRCS Flag Week to Aid El Nino Victims

President Chakwera Launches MRCS Flag Week to Aid El Nino Victims

On May 17, 2024, President Lazarus Chakwera, who serves as the Patron of the Malawi Red Cross Society (MRCS), inaugurated the MRCS 2024 flag week. The event, held at Kamuzu Palace, is themed 'Keeping humanity alive' and aims to raise K160 million to support victims of El Nino.

During the launch, President Chakwera made a personal donation of K2 million. He emphasized the importance of the initiative, calling on all Malawians to contribute generously. 'I call on all Malawians to generously donate to the Society so that it has enough resources for supporting victims of El Nino,' he urged.

El Nino has left approximately 9 million people in Malawi food insecure, affecting 23 districts across the country. The MRCS aims to use the funds raised during the flag week to provide much-needed support to these vulnerable populations.

A key event of the flag week is the 'Cycling for humanity' initiative, where two volunteers will cycle from Lilongwe to Blantyre over two days. This event aims to raise K100 million of the total K160 million target.

President Chakwera expressed his appreciation for the dedication and bravery of MRCS volunteers, who often work in challenging environments to save lives during natural disasters and other crises. 'Keeping humanity alive' not only serves as the theme but also as a tribute to these selfless individuals.

MRCS President Innocent Majiya highlighted the importance of raising funds to support El Nino victims, complementing the government's efforts. Minister of Health Khumbize Kandodo Chiponda also commended the MRCS for its invaluable support to the health sector, particularly during the Cholera pandemic.

The MRCS flag week is an annual event that mobilizes Malawians to support humanitarian efforts across the country. This year's focus on El Nino victims underscores the urgent need for solidarity and collective action in the face of climate-induced challenges.

As the flag week progresses, all eyes will be on the 'Cycling for humanity' event and the overall fundraising efforts. The success of these initiatives will be crucial in providing the necessary support to millions of affected Malawians.

Key Takeaways

  • President Chakwera launches Malawi Red Cross 2024 flag week, themed "Keeping humanity alive".
  • Goal is to raise K160 million to support El Nino victims, with President donating K2 million.
  • El Nino has left 9 million Malawians food insecure, affecting 23 districts.
  • "Cycling for humanity" event aims to raise K100 million of the total target.
  • Fundraising efforts will support vulnerable populations affected by El Nino.