Namibia University Investigates Senior Lecturer for Alleged Sexual Harassment

Namibia University of Science and Technology investigates senior lecturer for alleged sexual harassment after multiple student reports. The lecturer was escorted off campus with a mattress, prompting an ongoing investigation into the incident.

Bijay Laxmi
New Update
Namibia University Investigates Senior Lecturer for Alleged Sexual Harassment

Namibia University Investigates Senior Lecturer for Alleged Sexual Harassment

The Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST) is investigating allegations of sexual harassment against a senior lecturer, following reports from several students to the university's human resources office a few months ago. The latest incident allegedly took place last month, with the lecturer reportedly escorted from campus by NUST security guards carrying a mattress.

Why this matters: The handling of sexual harassment allegations in educational institutions has far-reaching implications for student safety and thequality of education. Effective policies and swift action are crucial in preventing similar incidents and maintaining trust in institutions of higher learning.

NUST spokesperson John Haufiku confirmed ongoing investigations into the matter, stating,"Regrettably, we are unable to provide commentary on the allegations at this time due to ongoing investigations. We will, however, ensure that you get answers. "The identity of the senior lecturer is known to The Namibian but has not been publicly disclosed.

Benhard Kavau, president of theStudents Union of Namibia(SUN), says relationships between students and lecturers compromise the quality of education due to conflict of interest and potential disadvantage to students. "It is not allowed for a lecturer to have a relationship with a student. It comes with self-respect because the moment a lecturer has such relationships, it is really a conflict of interest because it compromises the quality of education,"Kavau stated.

Kavau called on NUST to toughen up its policies to protect students against such incidents. "Let this be used as an example. We are calling on NUST to toughen up its policies if they are not strong so that students are protected against such acts," he said. A university source confirmed that NUST does not allow intimate relationships between students and lecturers, unlike some other institutions that permit dating between students and lecturers from different departments.

Another source revealed that students have reported the lecturer, alleging that he used his office for sexual harassment and kept a mattress there. The allegations were initially reported to the HR office a few months ago, with the latest incident allegedly taking place last month, prompting the ongoing investigation by the university.

As the investigation continues, the Namibia University of Science and Technology faces scrutiny over its handling of the sexual harassment allegations against the senior lecturer. The university's response and any potential policy changes will be closely watched by students, faculty, and the wider community. The incident underscores the importance of robust policies and swift action to address sexual misconduct and protect students ineducational institutions.