Namibia's Ministry of Education Reaffirms Free Application Forms for Grade 1 and 8 Admissions

Namibia's Ministry of Education reaffirms policy of free application forms for grade 1 and 8 admissions to ensure equal access to education. The application period for the 2025 academic year runs from May 15 to June 14, 2024.

Aqsa Younas Rana
New Update
Namibia's Ministry of Education Reaffirms Free Application Forms for Grade 1 and 8 Admissions

Namibia's Ministry of Education Reaffirms Free Application Forms for Grade 1 and 8 Admissions

The Namibian Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture has reiterated its policy that schools cannot charge for application forms for grade 1 and 8 admissions. This reaffirmation aims to ensure equal access to education for all students, regardless of their socio-economic background.

Executive Director Sanet Steenkamp emphasized that the policy is designed to remove financial barriers that could prevent some students from accessing education. By ensuring that application forms are free, the Ministry is striving to make the admissions process more equitable.

The application period for grades 1 and 8 for the 2025 academic year has been announced, running from May 15 to June 14, 2024. During this period, parents and guardians can submit applications without any associated costs.

Parents have already started lining up outside schools such as Orban Primary School to secure spots for their children. Orban Primary School, which can accommodate around 200 applications, maintains a capacity of 35 pupils per class, adhering to a prescribed teacher-to-pupil ratio of 25:1. In rare cases, the school may allow up to 40 pupils per class.

Deputy Executive Director of Education, Arts and Culture, Edda Bohn, confirmed that the admission campaigns will run from mid-May to the end of July. After this period, schools and regional admission committees will begin processing the applications.

A personal account from Maanga, an aunt of twins seeking placement in Grade 1 for 2025, highlighted the challenges faced by some parents. Maanga was initially denied two applications when she couldn't provide hard copy proof that she needed two applications. She was asked to provide two certified copies of the twins' birth certificates.

The Ministry's firm stance on not charging for application forms is a crucial step towards ensuring that all students have an equal opportunity to access education. This policy is part of a broader commitment to making the educational system more inclusive and accessible.

Key Takeaways

  • Namibian Ministry reiterates: no fees for grade 1 and 8 application forms.
  • Policy aims to ensure equal access to education for all students.
  • Application period for 2025 academic year: May 15 to June 14, 2024.
  • Schools and regional committees will process applications from mid-July.
  • Ministry's goal: make education more inclusive and accessible.