Kathmandu to Host 'Women of the World Festival' in November 2024

Kathmandu Metropolitan City will host the 'Women of the World Festival' in November 2024, celebrating and empowering women from diverse backgrounds. The festival, organized with the British Council, aims to promote gender equality and women's empowerment through panel discussions, workshops, and cultural performances.

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Kathmandu to Host 'Women of the World Festival' in November 2024

Kathmandu to Host 'Women of the World Festival' in November 2024

Kathmandu Metropolitan City (KMC) is set to host the 'Women of the World Festival' in November 2024. This decision follows Deputy Mayor Sunita Dangol's participation in the Manchester event, which sparked the initiative.

The festival, organized in collaboration with the British Council, aims to celebrate and empower women from diverse backgrounds. The event will bring together women from various fields to share their stories, achievements, and challenges.

Deputy Mayor Sunita Dangol's involvement in the Manchester event was crucial in bringing the festival to Kathmandu. Her experience at the event highlighted the importance of such platforms in promoting women's empowerment and leadership.

The 'Women of the World Festival' in Kathmandu has broader significance as it promotes gender equality and women's empowerment, which are crucial for achieving sustainable development and social justice. This event has the potential to inspire positive change and contribute to a more inclusive and equitable society.

The 32nd Executive Meeting of KMC, chaired by Mayor Balendra Shah, played a vital role in finalizing the festival's date and other logistical details. The meeting, held on June 1, 2024, also set the date for the 15th Municipal Council meeting on June 14, 2024.

The British Council's collaboration is expected to bring international expertise and resources to the festival, ensuring its success. This partnership aims to create a platform for women to network, learn, and inspire each other.

The 'Women of the World Festival' in Kathmandu will feature a variety of events, including panel discussions, workshops, and cultural performances. These activities will address issues such as gender equality, women's rights, and leadership.

With the festival drawing near, KMC and the British Council will work closely to ensure a smooth and impactful event. The festival is expected to attract participants from across Nepal and beyond, cultivating a spirit of unity and empowerment.

The 'Women of the World Festival' in Kathmandu represents a significant step towards promoting gender equality and women's empowerment in Nepal. By providing a platform for women to share their experiences and insights, the festival aims to inspire positive change.

Key Takeaways

  • Kathmandu to host 'Women of the World Festival' in Nov 2024, inspired by Deputy Mayor's participation in Manchester event.
  • Festival aims to celebrate and empower women from diverse backgrounds, promoting gender equality and women's empowerment.
  • British Council collaborates with KMC to bring international expertise and resources to the festival.
  • Festival features panel discussions, workshops, and cultural performances addressing gender equality, women's rights, and leadership.
  • Event expected to attract participants from across Nepal and beyond, promoting unity and empowerment.