Former Dutch Intelligence Chief Dick Schoof Sworn in as Prime Minister, Vows 'Strictest Ever' Asylum and Immigration Policy

Dick Schoof, a 67-year-old former Dutch intelligence chief, has been sworn in as the Netherlands' new prime minister, promising to implement the country's "strictest ever" asylum and immigration policy.

Nitish Verma
New Update

The Netherlands has sworn in a new prime minister, Dick Schoof, a 67-year-old independent candidate who has promised to implement the country's "strictest ever" asylum and immigration policy. Schoof, a former Dutch intelligence chief, takes over from Mark Rutte, who is set to become the next secretary-general of NATO after 14 years in office.

Schoof's inauguration comes seven months after a general election in which far-right populist Geert Wilders' PVV (Freedom Party) emerged as the Netherlands' largest party. Traditionally, the leader of the largest party would be the favorite to become the Dutch prime minister. However, Wilders renounced the role to appease coalition partners from the Farmers Party (BBB), the liberal-conservative VVD, and the new anti-corruption NSC, whose leaders also agreed not to stand for PM.

Instead, they settled on Schoof as a compromise to be sworn in by King Willem-Alexander. Schoof has insisted that he wants to be "a prime minister for all citizens of the Netherlands" and that he won't allow himself to be "held on a string by Mr. Wilders." Despite this, he has promised to implement the country's "strictest-ever admission policy for asylum and the most comprehensive package for getting a grip on migration."

Why it Matters : Schoof's promise to implement a strict asylum policy is significant, given the Netherlands' history of being a haven for refugees and asylum seekers. The country has been grappling with the issue of immigration and asylum seekers, and Schoof's policy is likely to have far-reaching implications for the country's social and economic fabric.

As a former spy chief, Schoof has a reputation for being a skilled negotiator and strategist. He led the Dutch probe into the downing of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 in July 2014 over separatist-held eastern Ukraine, which resulted in the deaths of 298 people, including 196 Dutch citizens. This experience will likely serve him well in navigating the complex web of coalition politics and resisting pressure from Wilders, who is known for his populist pronouncements on social media.

Schoof's ability to keep his coalition together and resist public pressure will be crucial in the coming months. As Sarah de Lange, a politics professor at the University of Amsterdam, noted, "He will have a lot of work to do keeping ideological and personal conflicts under control but, given his vast experience at the head of various government agencies, he'll be well equipped to defend himself." However, it remains to be seen how he will react if Wilders tries to put him under pressure by criticizing him on social media.

Key Takeaways:

  • Dick Schoof, a 67-year-old independent candidate, has been sworn in as the new prime minister of the Netherlands.
  • Schoof has promised to implement the country's "strictest ever" asylum and immigration policy.
  • The new PM was chosen as a compromise candidate after far-right populist Geert Wilders renounced the role.
  • Schoof's experience as a former spy chief will likely serve him well in navigating coalition politics.
  • The success of Schoof's government will depend on his ability to keep his coalition together and resist public pressure from Wilders and other critics.