Germany Secures Temporary Deal to Keep Military Base in Niger Open

Germany reaches temporary deal with Niger to maintain its military air transport hub in Niamey beyond May 31 deadline. EU announces end of its military mission in Niger by June 30 due to country's "grave political situation".

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Germany Secures Temporary Deal to Keep Military Base in Niger Open

Germany Secures Temporary Deal to Keep Military Base in Niger Open

Germany has reached a temporary agreement with Niger to maintain its military air transport hub in Niamey beyond the original deadline of May 31. This move comes after the European Union announced it would end its military mission in Niger by June 30.

Why this matters: This temporary deal has significant implications for the region's security and stability, as it allows Germany to maintain its military presence in Niger. The continued operation of the base could influence the balance of power in the Sahel region and impact the fight against militants.

The German defense ministry confirmed that approximately 90 troops are based in Niamey, where the military base has served as a supply hub for German forces in neighboring Mali since 2013. The last German troops left Mali at the end of 2023.

The temporary agreement allows Germany to keep the base open with a significantly reduced number of soldiers. The German defense ministry stated, "Germany and Niger have struck a temporary agreement allowing for the continued presence of German forces in Niger."

Niger had been a key partner of the West in Africa's Sahel region against militants, but the 2023 coup led to a shift in alliances. The military rulers have pushed former colonial power France to remove its forces and agreed on the withdrawal of American troops, while deepening ties with Russia.

The European Union announced it would end its military mission in Niger by June 30, citing the country's 'grave political situation.' The EU's mission, established in 2022, comprises dozens of soldiers who provide logistical and infrastructure support.

The temporary deal offers Germany the opportunity to strike a new agreement allowing for the continued presence of its forces in Niger. However, it remains unclear what Berlin's long-term plans are for the base in Niamey.

To recap, Germany's temporary agreement with Niger ensures the continued operation of its military base in Niamey, albeit with a reduced number of soldiers. This development follows the EU's decision to end its military mission in Niger because of the country's unstable political climate.

Key Takeaways

  • Germany reaches temporary deal with Niger to keep military base in Niamey open.
  • Base serves as supply hub for German forces in neighboring Mali.
  • EU ends military mission in Niger due to country's "grave political situation".
  • Niger shifts alliances, pushing out France and US, while deepening ties with Russia.
  • Germany's long-term plans for the base in Niamey remain unclear.