Over 1.5 Million Benefit from Nutrition Initiative in Niger State

A collaborative effort between ANRiN, AYGF, and Plan International provided vital nutrition supplements to 1,518,404 beneficiaries in Niger State. The initiative aimed to ensure indigenes and residents, particularly children and pregnant women, receive essential nutrients to stay healthy.

Aqsa Younas Rana
New Update
Over 1.5 Million Benefit from Nutrition Initiative in Niger State

Over 1.5 Million Benefit from Nutrition Initiative in Niger State

In a significant development, a collaborative effort between Accelerating Nutrition Results in Nigeria (ANRiN), Africa Youth Growth Foundation (AYGF), and Plan International (PI) has provided vital nutrition supplements to 1,518,404 beneficiaries in Niger State. The initiative aims to ensure that the state's indigenes and residents, particularly children and pregnant women, receive the essential nutrients they need to stay healthy and thrive.

Why this matters: This initiative's success has far-reaching implications for Nigeria's efforts to combat malnutrition, a critical issue affecting millions of citizens. By scaling up nutrition interventions, Nigeria can improve overall health outcomes, reduce mortality rates, and enhance economic productivity.

The impact of the initiative was discussed during a stakeholders' dialogue held on Monday in Abuja. Dr. Bello Tukur, the Commissioner of the Ministry of Secondary and Tertiary Health in Niger State, stated, "The provided supplements have ensured that the state's indigenes and residents, particularly children and pregnant women, receive the essential nutrients they need to stay healthy and thrive." The collaborative effort between ANRiN, AYGF, and Plan International has been instrumental in reaching such a large number of beneficiaries.

However, the project has not been without its challenges. Arome Salifu, the Executive Director of AYGF, mentioned that insecurity is one of the major hurdles affecting the initiative's implementation. Despite these obstacles, the organizations remain committed to their mission of improving nutrition outcomes in Niger State.

The nutrition initiative in Niger State aligns with the broader goals of the Civil Society Scaling-Up Nutrition in Nigeria (CS-SUNN), a non-governmental, non-profit coalition aiming to transform Nigeria into a country where every citizen is food and nutrition secured. CS-SUNN was formally launched on August 7, 2014, and has been actively working towards strengthening Nigeria's nutrition systems through various projects and partnerships.

One such project is the Partnership for Improving Nigeria Nutrition Systems (PINNS 2.0), designed to strengthen Nigeria's nutrition systems to be more Result-driven, Effective, Serviceable, Efficient, and Transparent (RESET). The project adopts a systems approach, focusing on governance, policy implementation, coordination, financing, capacity building, evidence generation, and accountability.

The success of the nutrition initiative in Niger State, which has reached over 1.5 million beneficiaries, serves as a testament to the power of collaborative efforts in addressing malnutrition. As organizations like ANRiN, AYGF, Plan International, and CS-SUNN continue their vital work, there is hope for a future where every Nigerian citizen has access to the essential nutrients they need to lead healthy and productive lives.

Key Takeaways

  • 1.5 million beneficiaries in Niger State received vital nutrition supplements.
  • Initiative aims to combat malnutrition, a critical issue in Nigeria.
  • Collaborative effort between ANRiN, AYGF, and Plan International led to success.
  • Insecurity is a major challenge affecting the initiative's implementation.
  • Success aligns with CS-SUNN's goal of a food and nutrition-secured Nigeria.