Nigerian Mental Health Coach Evesoal Criticizes Young Girls' Demands on Men, Citing Mental Health Concerns

Nigerian mental health coach Evesoal criticizes young girls for making excessive demands on men before dating, citing negative mental health impacts. Her video sparks a conversation about the effects of "transactional dating" on men's mental well-being.

Aqsa Younas Rana
New Update
Nigerian Mental Health Coach Evesoal Criticizes Young Girls' Demands on Men, Citing Mental Health Concerns

Nigerian Mental Health Coach Evesoal Criticizes Young Girls' Demands on Men, Citing Mental Health Concerns

On June 2, 2024, Evelyn Motiga, a Nigerian mental health coach known as Evesoal, voiced strong criticism against young Nigerian girls for making excessive demands on men before agreeing to go on a date. In a video posted on her social media page, Motiga highlighted the psychological toll these demands are taking on men, leading to depression and other mental health issues.

The mental health of men is a significant concern that affects not only individuals but also their relationships and communities. If left unaddressed, it can lead to a rise in depression and anxiety cases, significantly impacting the overall well-being of society.

Motiga's primary concern revolves around what she describes as 'transactional dating,' where girls expect material benefits such as clothes and money in exchange for their company. She argued that this behavior not only devalues the girls themselves but also places undue stress on men, who may feel inadequate if they cannot meet these demands.

"What's wrong with our Nigerian girls these days? Why are you putting our men under pressure? Why are you making dating as if it is a transaction," Motiga questioned in her video. She further added, "You are bringing down your value. As if that is not enough, you are stressing our men. These men are going through a lot of mental issues and depression because they feel they are not good enough. Stop this nonsense."

Motiga's statements have sparked a conversation about the impact of these demands on men's mental health. She emphasized that the pressure to meet such expectations can lead to feelings of inadequacy and depression among men. This, she believes, is a significant issue that needs to be addressed to promote healthier relationships and mental well-being.

The video has received mixed reactions from the public. While some agree with Motiga's perspective, others argue that the issue is more complex and involves broader societal and economic factors. Nonetheless, the discussion highlights the need for a balanced approach to dating expectations and mental health awareness.

Evelyn Motiga, or Evesoal, is known for her work in the field of mental health, particularly focusing on depression and related issues. Her recent comments add to her ongoing efforts to raise awareness about mental health challenges and the importance of addressing them in various aspects of life, including relationships.

Motiga's critique of young Nigerian girls' dating demands highlights a significant concern about the mental health of men. By highlighting the potential for depression and feelings of inadequacy, she calls for a reevaluation of dating practices to promote healthier and more supportive relationships.

Key Takeaways

  • Nigerian mental health coach Evesoal criticizes girls for making excessive demands on men before dating.
  • These demands can lead to depression and mental health issues in men, says Evesoal.
  • Evesoal terms this behavior "transactional dating," where girls expect material benefits in exchange for company.
  • The pressure to meet these demands can lead to feelings of inadequacy and depression in men.
  • Evesoal calls for a reevaluation of dating practices to promote healthier and more supportive relationships.