Pakistani Students in Bishkek Attacked by Mob Following Brawl with Egyptians

On Friday night in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, a mob attacked Pakistani students, targeting multiple hostels and residences. The violence followed a brawl between Pakistani and Egyptian nationals earlier in the week.

Aqsa Younas Rana
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Pakistani Students in Bishkek Attacked by Mob Following Brawl with Egyptians

Pakistani Students in Bishkek Attacked by Mob Following Brawl with Egyptians

On Friday night, a mob attacked Pakistani students in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, targeting multiple hostels and residences. The violence erupted following a brawl between Pakistani and Egyptian nationals earlier in the week.

The violence, students, explained Pakistani embassy reported 'mob violence against foreign students in Bishkek,' affecting Pakistani, Indian, and Bangladeshi students. Despite minor injuries being reported, unconfirmed online claims have suggested instances of sexual assaults and killings.

Pakistan's Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif expressed deep concern over the situation, stating, 'Deeply concerned over the situation of three, students, dead, violence in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. I have directed Pakistan's ambassador to provide all necessary help and assistance. My office is also in touch with the embassy and constantly monitoring the situation.'

The Indian embassy also warned Indian students to 'stay inside' and advised them to contact the embassy. India's External Affairs Minister Dr. Subrahmanyam Jaishankar tweeted, 'Monitoring the welfare of Indian violence, students, explained in Bishkek. Situation is reportedly calm now. Strongly advise students to stay in regular touch with the Embassy.'

No Indian students were reported injured, but many live in the affected accommodation for medical students. An estimated 9,500 foreign students, amid, concerning, reports, violence live in Bishkek, according to Indian media outlets.

The Kyrgyz Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that the 'incident' had been brought under control, with 'no seriously injured people' and about 15 people detained. The violence reportedly escalated after a video of the fight between Pakistani and Egyptian students was shared online.

Kyrgyzstan is a popular destination for international students, particularly from the Indian subcontinent, with around 9,500 students currently pursuing medical studies in the country. The recent violence has raised concerns over the safety of these students, capital.

The Pakistani embassy in Kyrgyzstan has advised students to stay indoors until the situation returns to normal. The embassy is liaising with local law enforcement authorities to ensure the safety of Pakistani students.

In response to the violence, the Pakistani foreign office has provided emergency contact numbers for students and their families. The Indian embassy in Kyrgyzstan has also remained in close contact with Indian students, ensuring their safety and advising them to stay indoors.

The recent mob attack in Bishkek underscores the vulnerability of international students in foreign countries and highlights the need for increased security measures to protect them from such incidents.

Key Takeaways

  • Mob attacks Pakistani students in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, targeting hostels and residences.
  • Violence erupts after brawl between Pakistani and Egyptian nationals, affecting Indian and Bangladeshi students too.
  • Pakistan and India's governments express concern, advise students to stay indoors, and offer assistance.
  • About 9,500 foreign students, mostly from Indian subcontinent, study in Bishkek, raising safety concerns.
  • Kyrgyz authorities claim situation under control, 15 detained, and no serious injuries reported.