Escalating Resistance: Occupation Forces Face Intensified Struggle In Northern West Bank

Occupation forces in the northern West Bank face intensified resistance with advanced explosive devices. This growing struggle, particularly notable since the Battle of Sword of Jerusalem, has resulted in significant material and human losses for the occupation army.

Aqsa Younas Rana
New Update

In the northern West Bank, occupation forces face escalating resistance marked by advanced explosive devices and sophisticated tactics.

The occupation forces are encountering increasing resistance during their daily incursions into the northern occupied West Bank. This resistance, growing stronger with the development of new tactics and explosive devices, continues a longstanding struggle that began before the Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood. It is the fiercest since the end of the Al-Aqsa Intifada, with explosive devices proving to be the most lethal weapon used by the resistance. These devices severely limit the occupation forces' freedom of movement, challenging the control established after Operation “Defensive Shield” in 2002.

Recent incursions have highlighted the difficulties faced by the occupation army, countering claims of their ability to operate freely and easily. Each incursion into northern West Bank cities results in material losses in military equipment and human casualties due to explosive devices manufactured by resistance groups. This ongoing conflict demonstrates the significant challenges the occupation forces face in their aggressive operations.

Why This Matters: Attempts to manufacture explosive devices in the West Bank began several years ago. One of the most notable incidents was the detonation of an explosive device near "Ain Bubin" in the village of Deir Bazig, west of Ramallah, in 2019. This attack, carried out by members of the Popular Front, resulted in the death of a female settler and injuries to others. 

The Battle of Sword of Jerusalem in May 2021 marked a new phase of resistance in the West Bank, particularly in Jenin. The martyr Jamil Al-Amouri founded the "Jenin Battalion" and initiated shooting operations targeting occupation forces and checkpoints. After Al-Amouri's martyrdom, the youth of Jenin continued the confrontation, using locally made explosive devices and elbows thrown at occupation soldiers during raids. These small devices quickly evolved into larger ones, planted to target occupation vehicles.

The resistance tactics spread to other areas, including the Balata camps in Nablus and the Tulkarm and Nur Shams camps in the Tulkarm Governorate. The occupation's vehicles face increasing difficulty in storming these areas, with military jeeps often damaged by explosive devices. This has made the movement of the occupation army more challenging and costly.

A fighter from the Jenin Battalion noted that explosive devices have become the most effective weapon against the armored military vehicles used by the occupation army. The preparation, distribution, and planting of these devices require organized, collective efforts among resistance fighters, demonstrating the sophisticated tactics employed to counter the occupation forces.

Key Takeaways:

  • Resistance in northern West Bank intensifies with advanced explosive devices.
  • Occupation forces face significant material and human losses during incursions.
  • Explosive devices severely limit occupation forces' freedom of movement.
  • Battle of Sword of Jerusalem marked new phase of resistance in Jenin.
  • Resistance tactics spread to other camps, increasing difficulties for occupation forces.

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