Israeli Forces Launch Third Operation In Shujayea, Forcing Evacuations

Israeli forces launched a surprise ground assault in Shujayea, Gaza City, for the third time since October, forcing immediate evacuations. Despite previous raids, Hamas continues to exploit operational weaknesses.

Aqsa Younas Rana
New Update

Israeli forces launched their third ground assault in Shujayea, Gaza City, since October, forcing evacuations amid heavy shelling.

Israeli forces have launched a ground assault in the Shujayea neighborhood of Gaza City for the third time since October. Residents described the operation as a "surprise attack," with soldiers and tanks advancing from multiple directions on Thursday. Civilians were ordered to evacuate immediately amid intense airstrikes and artillery shelling.

According to war monitors, the operation aims to "clear" the area of Palestinian fighters. The Institute for the Study of War (ISW) and the Critical Threats Project (CTP) reported that Hamas has been exploiting the weaknesses of Israel’s "raid-based model" of operations in Gaza. Despite previous raids, Hamas has managed to preserve its forces and continue reconstitution efforts.

Why This Matters: US-based defense think tanks noted that Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) fighters conducted several attacks on Israeli forces using improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and antitank rocket-propelled grenades during Thursday's incursion. Additionally, Palestinian armed groups fired mortars and rockets at Israeli troops positioned along the Netzarim Corridor, south of Gaza City. Four rocket attacks were also launched from Gaza towards Israeli territory on the same day.

Residents in Shujayea are experiencing severe disruption and fear as the conflict intensifies. This latest operation underscores the ongoing volatility in the region and the persistent struggle between Israeli forces and Palestinian militant groups.

Key Takeaways:

  • Israeli forces launched a surprise ground assault in Shujayea.
  • Residents were ordered to evacuate immediately amid heavy shelling.
  • Hamas continues to exploit Israel's raid-based operational model.
  • Hamas and PIJ fighters attacked Israeli forces with IEDs and grenades.
  • Palestinian groups fired mortars and rockets at Israeli troops and territory.

gaza War