Thermobaric rockets used in complex ambush of Israeli soldiers in Shujayea, monitors report

Palestinian fighters in Gaza launched a sophisticated attack involving thermobaric rockets and ambush tactics against Israeli forces in the Shujayea neighborhood.

Aqsa Younas Rana
New Update

Palestinian fighters in Gaza conducted a complex attack using thermobaric rockets.

Palestinian fighters in Gaza City’s Shujayea neighborhood executed a sophisticated and multi-stage attack on Israeli forces on Tuesday, employing ambush tactics and thermobaric rockets, according to reports from war monitors.

The conflict began with Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) targeting an Israeli soldier unit in a building within Shujayea using a powerful thermobaric rocket. Subsequently, their focus shifted to an Israeli rapid reaction force dispatched to the scene.

Why This Matters: War monitors, including the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) and the Critical Threats Project (CTP), detailed that Palestinian fighters utilized an explosively formed penetrator, rocket-propelled grenades, and additional thermobaric rockets during the ambush. This orchestrated assault marks a significant escalation in tactics employed against Israeli forces.

Tuesday’s assault marked one of over ten attacks unleashed on Israeli forces in Shujayea, underscoring Hamas’s capability to reassemble its military capacities following Israeli ground operations in April. The resurgence of attacks indicates Hamas’s strategic adaptation amid ongoing hostilities with Israel.

The conflict in Shujayea has intensified tensions in the region, prompting responses from both Israeli defense forces and Palestinian factions. The use of thermobaric rockets, known for their destructive power and ability to cause extensive damage, has raised concerns over the escalation of violence and civilian casualties in the area.

International observers and humanitarian organizations have called for restraint and de-escalation efforts to prevent further loss of life and widespread destruction. The volatile situation underscores the fragile nature of peace efforts in the region and the urgent need for diplomatic solutions to address the root causes of the conflict.

Key Takeaways:

  • Palestinian fighters execute complex attack on Israeli forces in Gaza.
  • Thermobaric rockets and ambush tactics employed in Shujayea neighborhood.
  • Hamas and PIJ target Israeli rapid reaction force amid ongoing hostilities.
  • Conflict marks resurgence of Hamas military capabilities in the area.
  • International calls for restraint and diplomatic solutions amidst escalating tensions.



gaza War