UN: Up to 80,000 Flee Gaza City’s Shujayea Amid Intense Israeli Raids

The UN reports that Israeli raids on Gaza City's Shujayea neighborhood have forced 60,000 to 80,000 residents to flee. Between Monday and Thursday, 139 Palestinians were killed and 331 injured in Gaza.

Aqsa Younas Rana
New Update

Intensified Israeli raids on Gaza City's Shujayea neighborhood have displaced up to 80,000 residents.

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) reported that between 60,000 and 80,000 residents of eastern and northeastern Gaza City fled on Thursday as Israeli forces launched a ground attack on the Shujayea neighborhood. The large-scale displacement is part of an ongoing conflict that has seen significant casualties and disruptions in the Gaza Strip.

From Monday to Thursday, 139 Palestinians were killed and 331 injured in Israeli attacks, according to OCHA. The ground offensive in Shujayea marked a significant escalation in hostilities, prompting urgent evacuation orders from the Israeli military. This evacuation has exacerbated the already severe displacement crisis in Gaza, with approximately 78 percent of the territory’s 2.3 million population now uprooted since October.

Why This Matters: The humanitarian situation in Gaza remains dire, with aid efforts severely hindered. The OCHA report highlights that between June 1 and 27, only 49 of 101 planned humanitarian aid missions to northern Gaza were facilitated by Israeli forces. Of these missions, 10 were denied, 30 were impeded, and 12 were canceled, severely limiting the delivery of essential supplies and support to affected communities.

In contrast, aid efforts in the southern part of the territory saw better facilitation, with 71 percent of 276 missions successfully conducted with the cooperation of Israeli forces. However, the overall humanitarian response remains critically challenged, impacting the well-being and survival of Gaza's residents.

The ongoing conflict has drawn widespread international concern and calls for a cessation of hostilities. The UN and various humanitarian organizations continue to urge both sides to ensure the protection of civilians and the facilitation of humanitarian aid to mitigate the escalating humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

The situation in Shujayea and the broader Gaza Strip underscores the urgent need for sustained diplomatic efforts to achieve a lasting resolution to the conflict. The international community remains vigilant, monitoring the developments and advocating for immediate measures to protect civilians and provide necessary humanitarian support.

Key Takeaways:

  • Israeli raids displace up to 80,000 residents in Gaza’s Shujayea neighborhood.
  • Recent attacks killed 139 Palestinians and injured 331 in Gaza.
  • Humanitarian aid missions to northern Gaza face severe obstruction.
  • Southern Gaza aid efforts are more successful but still challenged.
  • International calls for cessation of hostilities and protection of civilians continue.

gaza War