Unexploded Bombs in Gaza Pose Deadly Threat to Children, Reports UN

The UN reports that unexploded bombs in Gaza are causing fatalities and injuries among children, with recent incidents highlighting the urgent need for demining efforts. An estimated 75,000 tonnes of explosives dropped since October exacerbate the risks, endangering the lives of civilians.

Aqsa Younas Rana
New Update
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Unexploded bombs in Gaza endanger children, with recent incidents causing fatalities and injuries.

Palestinian children in the Gaza Strip face severe risks from unexploded bombs scattered throughout the area, according to the latest update from the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). The threat is underscored by a recent tragic incident on June 29, where a nine-year-old girl was killed, and three others were injured by an unexploded bomb south of Khan Younis.

OCHA reports that eight other children have been injured in two other recent incidents involving unexploded ordnance. The prevalence of these dangerous remnants of war significantly endangers the lives and safety of Gaza’s children.

Why This Matters: The UN Mine Action Service (UNMAS) estimates that at least 10 percent of ammunition fails to detonate upon impact, implying that many of the hundreds of thousands of tonnes of war debris in Gaza contain live explosives. This startling statistic underscores the ongoing hazard faced by civilians, particularly children, who are often unaware of the dangers posed by these remnants.

The Government Media Office in Gaza estimates that since October, at least 75,000 tonnes of explosives have been dropped on Gaza. This massive amount of explosive material exacerbates the risks of unexploded ordnance, making everyday activities perilous for the residents of Gaza, especially the young and vulnerable.

The recurring incidents involving unexploded bombs highlight the urgent need for comprehensive demining and awareness efforts. Humanitarian agencies are calling for increased resources to address this critical issue, aiming to prevent further casualties and ensure safer living conditions for the people of Gaza.

Key Takeaways:

  • Unexploded bombs in Gaza pose severe risks to Palestinian children.
  • Recent incidents have killed and injured multiple children in Gaza.
  • UNMAS estimates 10 percent of ammunition fails to detonate, posing risks.
  • Government Media Office reports 75,000 tonnes of explosives dropped on Gaza.
  • Urgent need for demining and awareness efforts to prevent further casualties.


gaza War