Philippine Military Accuses Chinese Coast Guard of Ramming Navy Boats, Injuring Sailor in South China Sea

The Philippines has accused China's coast guard of boarding and ramming its navy vessels in the South China Sea, resulting in a violent confrontation that left a Filipino sailor with a lost thumb.

Nitish Verma
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New Update

Philippine Military Accuses Chinese Coast Guard of Ramming Navy Boats, Injuring Sailor in South China Sea

The Philippines has accused the Chinese coast guard of boarding and ramming its navy vessels in the South China Sea, resulting in a violent confrontation that left a Filipino sailor with a lost thumb. This incident is the latest in a series of escalating confrontations between Chinese and Philippine ships in recent months, as Beijing steps up efforts to assert its claims to the disputed area.

The incident occurred on Monday off Second Thomas Shoal, a tiny Philippine garrison stationed on a deliberately beached old warship. According to Filipino military chief General Romeo Brawner, the Chinese coast guard vessels approached the Filipino boats from either side, and Chinese coast guard officials boarded the encircled vessel. The Filipino personnel fought back with "bare hands" against the Chinese boarders, who were armed with swords, spears, and knives.

General Brawner denounced the Chinese action as "piracy" and demanded the return of seized weapons and equipment, as well as reparations for damaged items. China, however, defended its actions, with its foreign ministry saying that "no direct measures" were taken against Filipino personnel. Images shared by China's Coast Guard showed the confrontation, with Chinese vessels approaching the Filipino boat from either side, and Chinese coast guard officials boarding the encircled vessel.

Why it Matters : The South China Sea has become a flashpoint in recent years, with China's aggressive posturing and territorial claims sparking tensions with its neighbors. The Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Brunei all have competing claims to the area, which is rich in oil and gas reserves. The United States has also weighed in, with top diplomat Antony Blinken speaking with his Filipino counterpart about the recent "escalatory actions" by China. The incident highlights the need for a peaceful resolution to the disputes and the importance of upholding international law in the region.

The incident has sparked outrage in the Philippines, with General Brawner calling for the return of seized weapons and equipment and demanding reparations for damaged items. The Philippines president has also called for a Cold War-style hotline to Chinese leader Xi Jinping to prevent future incidents, but has been denied.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Philippines has accused the Chinese coast guard of boarding and ramming its navy vessels in the South China Sea.
  • A Filipino sailor lost a thumb in the incident, which is the latest in a series of escalating confrontations between Chinese and Philippine ships.
  • The Philippines has denounced the Chinese action as "piracy" and demanded the return of seized weapons and equipment.
  • China has defended its actions, saying that "no direct measures" were taken against Filipino personnel.
  • The incident highlights the need for a peaceful resolution to the disputes in the South China Sea and the importance of upholding international law in the region.