Polish Soldier Dies After Stabbing by Migrants at Belarus Border

A Polish soldier died after being stabbed by migrants at the Belarus border, escalating tensions between Poland and Belarus. Poland demands the extradition of the perpetrator and plans to strengthen border security.

Aqsa Younas Rana
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Polish soldier dies after being stabbed by migrants on border with Belarus.

A Polish soldier died on Thursday after being stabbed by migrants attempting to cross the border from Belarus into the European Union. The incident has heightened tensions between Poland and Belarus, with Warsaw demanding that Belarus hand over the person responsible for the soldier's death.

The border has been a contentious area since 2021, when Belarus, a close ally of Russia, began facilitating travel from the Middle East to Europe. This move, which involved opening travel agencies in the Middle East, was seen by the European Union as an attempt to create a migration crisis.

Why This Matters: The soldier, identified only by his first name, Mateusz, was a member of the 1st Armoured Brigade. He was stabbed by migrants trying to breach a border fence in late May and succumbed to his injuries on Thursday. The Polish army released a statement saying, "Despite the help provided at the scene of the attack and the efforts of doctors, his life could not be saved."

In recent weeks, there has been a surge in the number of migrants attempting to cross the border illegally, leading to several violent incidents. Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski has called on Belarusian authorities to identify and extradite the perpetrator. "We demand that Belarusian authorities establish the identity of this murderer and hand him over to Polish authorities," Sikorski stated. He also mentioned that a protest note would be delivered to the Belarusian charge d'affaires later on Thursday.

In response to the escalating situation, Poland has announced plans to strengthen its border security and reintroduce a 200-meter buffer zone. Belarus, however, denies accusations that it is aiding migrants in reaching the Polish border.

Key Takeaways:

  • Polish soldier dies after being stabbed by migrants at Belarus border.
  • Incident increases tensions between Poland and Belarus over border security.
  • Poland demands Belarus hand over the person responsible for the stabbing.
  • Surge in illegal border crossings and violent incidents reported recently.
  • Poland plans to enhance border security and reintroduce a buffer zone.
Poland Immigrants