Exploring Censorship and Its Impact on Portuguese Modernity: Hervé Baudry Leads Seminar

Hervé Baudry will lead a seminar on "Censorship and the Kingdom of Stupidity" on May 27, 2024, exploring censorship's impact on literary expression. The event will examine historical and contemporary examples of censorship in Portuguese modernity.

Bijay Laxmi
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Exploring Censorship and Its Impact on Portuguese Modernity: Hervé Baudry Leads Seminar

Exploring Censorship and Its Impact on Portuguese Modernity: Hervé Baudry Leads Seminar

On May 27, 2024, from 2:30 PM to 4:30 PM, the seminar 'Censorship and the Kingdom of Stupidity' will be held at the training room. This event, free and open to the public, will feature Hervé Baudry, a distinguished researcher specializing in literary censorship.

Censorship has a profound impact on the freedom of expression and the dissemination of ideas, affecting not only literature but also other forms of art and communication. If left unchecked, it can lead to a suppression of critical thinking and creativity, potentially threatening the foundations of a democratic society.

The seminar's title is inspired by two notable works: 'The Kingdom of Stupidity' by Francisco de Mello Franco (circa 1785) and Jorge de Sena's work of the same name, published in 1961. Although these works do not explicitly address censorship, the theme is pervasive and will serve as a foundation for exploring the manifestations of stupidity and intelligence in the context of control and the fight against free human expression.

Baudry will focus on the long period of Portuguese modernity, spanning from the 15th to the 20th centuries. This era is significant for its complex relationship with censorship and the ongoing struggle for free human expression. Baudry's expertise in this area is well-established; he was responsible for the 'Clean Libraries' exhibition, which highlighted the censorship of printed books from the 15th to the 19th centuries.

Censorship has long been a tool used to control and limit human expression. Banned books, for instance, are often prohibited on account of political, legal, religious, moral, or commercial reasons. Despite opposition from organizations like the American Library Association (ALA), books continue to be banned in various parts of the world, impacting the distribution, promotion, and translation of literature.

The seminar is part of a series of events coordinated by Adelino Cardoso and Nuno Miguel Proenca. Upcoming sessions include discussions on topics such as 'Alienatio Mentis' and the limits of reason in medieval literature in Portugal, the aesthetic problem in J. W. Leibniz, and the science of the soul in Isaac Cardoso's book 'Free Philosophy' (1673).

Hervé Baudry's seminar promises to shed light on the intricate ways censorship has shaped Portuguese modernity and its lasting impact on literary expression. By examining historical and contemporary examples, Baudry aims to provide a deeper understanding of how control mechanisms have influenced and continue to influence human expression.

The seminar 'Censorship and the Kingdom of Stupidity' offers a unique opportunity to explore the historical and ongoing challenges posed by censorship. Attendees can expect to gain valuable insights into the ways in which censorship has been used to control and limit free expression, and the resilience of those who continue to fight for intellectual and artistic freedom.

Key Takeaways

  • Seminar: "Censorship and the Kingdom of Stupidity" on May 27, 2024, 2:30-4:30 PM.
  • Features Hervé Baudry, expert on literary censorship, focusing on Portuguese modernity.
  • Censorship affects freedom of expression, critical thinking, and creativity.
  • Seminar explores historical and contemporary examples of censorship's impact.
  • Event is free and open to the public, part of a series on science and culture.