Putin Arrives in Kazakhstan for SCO Summit, Set to Meet Chinese and Turkish Leaders

Russian President Vladimir Putin attends the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) summit in Kazakhstan, meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping, Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan, and other regional leaders to discuss regional security and cooperation.

Nitish Verma
New Update
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Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived in Kazakhstan on Wednesday for a crucial regional security and defense summit, where he will meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping, Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan, and other leaders from the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) member countries. The two-day summit, scheduled for July 3-4 in Astana, will focus on strengthening regional security and cooperation among member states.

The SCO, established in 2001 by China and Russia, aims to promote regional stability and security in the Eurasia region. This year's summit is expected to be dominated by Russia and China, with leaders from 14 other countries, including India, Iran, and Turkey, also attending. United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres is also expected to participate in the meeting.

According to the Kremlin, the summit will discuss the current state and prospects for further deepening multifaceted cooperation within the organization and improving its activities . The meeting is likely to touch on issues such as counter-terrorism, drug trafficking, and regional conflicts.

In addition to the SCO summit, Putin will hold a series of bilateral talks with other leaders, including Xi Jinping and Erdogan. The meeting with Xi is particularly significant, given the growing strategic partnership between Russia and China. India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi will not attend the summit, but will be represented by Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar.

Why it Matters : The SCO summit comes at a critical time, as the region faces numerous security challenges, including the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and the rise of terrorism in Central Asia. The meeting provides an opportunity for regional leaders to discuss these issues and work towards a more coordinated response. The summit also highlights the growing influence of Russia and China in the region, as they seek to promote their own vision of regional security and cooperation.

The SCO has been critical of Western military expansion in the region, and last year's virtual summit issued a statement condemning the negative impact of "unilateral and unlimited expansion of global missile defence systems by certain countries or groups of countries" . This year's summit is likely to see a similar focus on countering Western influence in the region.

Key Takeaways:

  • Russian President Vladimir Putin arrives in Kazakhstan for SCO summit, where he will meet with Chinese and Turkish leaders.
  • The SCO summit will focus on strengthening regional security and cooperation among member states.
  • The meeting is likely to be dominated by Russia and China, with 14 other countries attending.
  • The summit comes at a critical time, as the region faces numerous security challenges, including the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.
  • The meeting highlights the growing influence of Russia and China in the region, as they seek to promote their own vision of regional security and cooperation.