Russian Attack Submarines Conducted Missions Around Irish Sea Twice Since 2022 : Reports

Russian attack submarines have been detected in the Irish Sea twice since the 2022 invasion of Ukraine, sparking concerns about escalating tensions between Russia and the West.

Nitish Verma
New Update

Russian attack submarines have been detected conducting missions in the Irish Sea, not once but twice, since the 2022 invasion of Ukraine. According to a report by Bloomberg News, citing three people familiar with the matter, the first deployment of a Russian Kilo-class submarine occurred around 18 months ago, while the second instance took place more recently.

The report highlights that the extent of the submarine movements went beyond what British officials had previously seen, sparking concerns about the escalating tensions between Russia and the West. The Kilo-class submarine is a diesel-electric attack submarine capable of firing Russia's Kalibr cruise missiles, as well as torpedoes and naval mines, making it a formidable force in the region.

U.S. officials were aware of the submarine movements, according to two people familiar with the matter. However, Russia's and Ireland's defense ministries, Britain's foreign ministry, and the White House did not immediately respond to Reuters' requests for comment.

This development comes on the heels of Russia's announcement in 2022 that its navy would stage a sweeping set of exercises involving all its fleets from the Pacific to the Atlantic, a move seen as a show of strength in its military standoff with the West. Irish Foreign Minister Simon Coveney had commented at the time that the exercises were not welcome.

Why it Matters : The presence of Russian submarines in the Irish Sea is a significant development, as it marks a departure from the traditional areas of operation for Russian naval vessels. The Irish Sea is a critical waterway, connecting the Atlantic Ocean to the North Sea, and is a vital route for international trade and commerce. The deployment of Russian submarines in this region raises concerns about the potential disruption of maritime trade and the security of the region.

Furthermore, the fact that U.S. officials were aware of the submarine movements suggests that the incident may have been more than just a routine exercise. The lack of response from the Russian and Irish defense ministries, as well as the British foreign ministry and the White House, only adds to the intrigue surrounding this incident.

As the world grapples with the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, the presence of Russian submarines in the Irish Sea serves as a reminder of the far-reaching implications of this conflict. It is a stark reminder that the tensions between Russia and the West are not limited to the borders of Ukraine, but have the potential to spill over into other regions, including the Irish Sea.

Key Takeaways:

  • Russian attack submarines detected twice in the Irish Sea post-2022 Ukraine invasion, raising tension concerns.
  • Kilo-class submarines capable of firing Kalibr cruise missiles, torpedoes, and naval mines.
  • U.S. officials aware, no official comments from Russian, Irish, British, or U.S. authorities.
  • Russian submarines' presence in the Irish Sea shifts from usual operational areas.
  • Incident raises concerns about maritime trade disruption and regional security due to Ukraine conflict.