Attacker Who Fired Crossbow at Police Officer at Israeli Embassy in Belgrade Shot Dead

A Serbian police officer was shot with a crossbow outside the Israeli embassy in Belgrade, but survived after surgery. The attacker, a Serbian convert to Islam, was shot dead, and an accomplice is still at large.

Nitish Verma
New Update

A chilling terrorist attack unfolded on Saturday outside the Israeli embassy in Belgrade, Serbia, when a crossbow-wielding assailant targeted a police officer guarding the premises. The officer, who was shot in the neck, underwent surgery and is currently in stable condition. The attacker, identified as Salahudin Zujovic, a Serbian convert to Islam, was shot dead by the officer.

According to President Aleksandar Vucic, the attack was a deliberate act of terrorism against Serbia, and an accomplice is still at large. Vucic assured that all diplomatic missions would be secured, and the safety and security of citizens would be guaranteed. The Serbian security agencies had been tracking the pair prior to the attack, but lacked sufficient evidence to detain them.

Interior Minister Ivica Dacic revealed that the wounded policeman had fired several shots at the assailant, killing him. A number of people have been arrested on suspicion of being connected to the attack, and investigators are exploring possible links with followers of the Wahhabi sect.

The Israeli foreign ministry confirmed that there had been an attempted terrorist attack near the Israeli embassy in Belgrade, but no embassy staff were injured. The embassy has been closed, and the circumstances of the incident are being investigated.

This incident comes at a time when Israel-linked institutions worldwide are on high alert for attacks and protests, following Israel's war to eliminate Hamas in the Gaza Strip. The police officer was in a guard house when the attacker approached him several times, asking for directions to a museum, before pulling out the crossbow and firing it.

Why it Matters : The Belgrade embassy attack is a stark reminder of the growing threat of terrorism in Europe, particularly against Jewish targets. The incident highlights the need for enhanced security measures at diplomatic missions and the importance of international cooperation in combating terrorism. As the world grapples with the complexities of religious extremism, this attack serves as a wake-up call for governments to remain vigilant and proactive in preventing such incidents.

In 2009, a Serbian court sentenced four Muslims who were followers of the Wahhabi sect to prison for plotting to attack a football stadium in a southwestern Serbian town. This incident demonstrates that the threat of terrorism is not limited to the Middle East, but can manifest in various forms and regions.

Key Takeaways:

  1. A Serbian police officer was shot in the neck with a crossbow outside the Israeli embassy in Belgrade, but is in stable condition after surgery.
  2. The attacker, Salahudin Zujovic, a Serbian convert to Islam, was shot dead by the officer, and an accomplice is still at large.
  3. The incident is being treated as a terrorist attack against Serbia, with possible links to the Wahhabi sect.
  4. Israel-linked institutions worldwide are on high alert for attacks and protests following Israel's war in Gaza.
  5. The attack highlights the need for enhanced security measures at diplomatic missions and international cooperation in combating terrorism.