EU Naval Force Captures Suspected Somali Pirates After Tanker Attack

EU NavFor warship apprehends six suspected Somali pirates after they attempted to attack the Marshall Islands-flagged oil tanker Chrystal Arctic in the Gulf of Aden. The pirates were treated for injuries and taken to the Seychelles for trial.

Bijay Laxmi
New Update
EU Naval Force Captures Suspected Somali Pirates After Tanker Attack

EU Naval Force Captures Suspected Somali Pirates After Tanker Attack

On May 10, 2024, a European Union Naval Force (EU NavFor) warship apprehended six suspected Somali pirates after an attempted attack on the Marshall Islands-flagged oil tanker Chrystal Arctic in the Gulf of Aden. The incident occurred 100 nautical miles north of Bosaso, Somalia, when a skiff with armed pirates approached the tanker.

Why this matters: Theresurgence of piracy off the coast of Somalia poses a significant threat to global maritime trade and the safety of crew members. If left unchecked, it could lead to increased ransom demands, hijackings, and even loss of life, ultimately affecting the global economy and international relations.

The Chrystal Arctic's security team exchanged fire with the pirates, successfully repelling the attack. The nearby EU NavFor warship, part of Operation Atalanta, responded swiftly and apprehended the six suspects, who were treated for various injuries, likely gunshot wounds sustained during the shootout.

After gathering evidence, the EU NavFor confirmed the incident as a piracy attack. The suspected pirates were taken aboard an Atalanta vessel and transported to the Seychelles "for further actions and the resolution of the process." The Seychelles has a legal agreement with Operation Atalanta, allowing for the trial of suspected pirates arrested by warships participating in the operation.

This latest incident highlights the resurgence of piracy off the coast of Somalia, which had seen a significant decline following increased international naval patrols and improved security measures on ships. However, since December 2023, two merchant vessels have been hijacked, with one rescued by the Indian Navy and the other reportedly released after a ransom payment. Several smaller fishing vessels have also fallen victim to Somali pirates in recent months.

The EU NavFor believes that there could be two or more pirate action groups (PAGs) operating off the wider Somalia coastline, including the semi-autonomous Puntland region. The international community remains vigilant, as the threat of piracy continues to pose significant risks to maritime trade and the safety of crew members in the region.

The successful intervention by the EU NavFor and the apprehension of the suspected pirates serve as a testament to the effectiveness of international cooperation in combating piracy. As the suspects await trial in the Seychelles, the shipping industry and naval forces remain committed to ensuring the safety and security of vessels traversing the critical maritime routes in the Gulf of Aden and the wider Indian Ocean region.

Key Takeaways

  • EU NavFor warship apprehends 6 suspected Somali pirates after attempted attack on oil tanker Chrystal Arctic.
  • Piracy resurgence off Somalia's coast poses significant threat to global maritime trade and crew safety.
  • This is the 3rd reported piracy incident in the Gulf of Aden since December 2023.
  • Suspected pirates were taken to Seychelles for trial under Operation Atalanta's legal agreement.
  • International community remains vigilant, with EU NavFor believing 2+ pirate groups operate in the region.