Slovenia Expands Wind Power with 1 MW Turbine in Loški Potok

Dravske elektrarne Maribor (DEM) has hired Hmezad TMT to build a 1 MW wind turbine in Loški Potok, southern Slovenia, marking the country's first wind farm with a state-owned investor. The project, worth €2.5 million, is expected to be completed by the end of 2024.

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Slovenia Expands Wind Power with 1 MW Turbine in Loški Potok

Slovenia Expands Wind Power with 1 MW Turbine in Loški Potok

Dravske elektrarne Maribor (DEM), a state-owned investor, has hired Ljubljana-based Hmezad TMT to build a 1 MW wind turbine in Loški Potok, southern Slovenia. This project marks the first wind farm in the country with a state-owned investor and aims to increase Slovenia's wind power capacity.

Why this matters: This project represents a significant step towards reducing Slovenia's reliance on other energy sources and increasing its use of renewable energy, aligning with the country's goal to transition to cleaner energy sources. As a country lagging behind in wind energy adoption, this development has broader implications for Slovenia's energy landscape and its contribution to reducing carbon emissions.

The wind turbine, part of the Mali Log wind farm, will have an installed capacity of 1 MW and produce enough electricity to cover the entire energy consumption of all households in the municipality of Loški Potok. Construction is set to begin before the summer and is expected to be completed by the end of the year.

The total investment value for the project is approximately €2.5 million. The location of Mali Log was chosen due to favorable wind conditions and after conducting thorough investigations into potential impacts on human health, forestry, agriculture, animals, and nature, including a special investigation on birds.

Slovenia has been lagging behind other European countries in the use of wind energy, with over ten years having passed since the last major wind power plant was built in the country. This project marks a significant step towards increasing the country's wind power capacity and reducing its reliance on other energy sources.

The 1 MW wind turbine in Loški Potok is expected to be completed by the end of 2024, with a total investment of €2.5 million. As the first state-owned wind farm in Slovenia, it represents an important milestone in the country's efforts to expand its wind power capacity and transition to cleaner energy sources.