Persistent rainfall and melting snow caused severe flooding in the Swiss canton of Valais

Persistent rainfall and melting snow caused severe flooding in the Swiss canton of Valais on Friday, cutting off Zermatt and prompting evacuations. Authorities raised the danger level, warning of further flooding and landslides as the Rhone river and its tributaries threaten to burst their banks.

Aqsa Younas Rana
New Update
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Severe flooding in Valais, Switzerland, due to relentless rain and melting snow has cut off Zermatt.

Severe flooding has struck the Swiss canton of Valais, driven by persistent rainfall, melting snow, and saturated ground conditions. The flooding has significantly impacted the popular tourist resort of Zermatt, nestled next to the iconic Matterhorn mountain, where the Mattervispa river partially burst its banks on Friday.

Since midday, Zermatt has been isolated from the outside world. The Matterhorn-Gotthard Railway announced via social media platform X that all transport links to the mountain village were severed due to the flooding.

Why This Matters: The river Rhone, along with its tributaries, is dangerously close to bursting its banks, raising alarms among local authorities. The discharge of the Rhone has been alarmingly high since the morning, and it is expected to rise even further, reaching its peak by late evening. This has prompted the canton of Valais to elevate the warning level for the entire canton, indicating a heightened state of alert for both the Rhone and its tributaries.

In light of the situation, authorities have implemented a robust monitoring system and are actively preparing to take necessary measures. In the municipality of Chippis, approximately 30 residents were evacuated as a precautionary measure. The evacuees spent the night in the commune's gymnasium, ensuring their safety from potential flooding and landslides.

Swiss federal authorities responded by raising the danger level for parts of Valais to the second-highest level, Level 4, on Friday afternoon. This heightened alert underscores the severity of the flooding and the potential for further adverse conditions.

Residents are advised to avoid approaching watercourses, refrain from parking on bridges, and limit their movement to ensure safety. Additionally, authorities have discouraged the public from filming or photographing the storm events, prioritizing safety over documentation.

The canton of Valais continues to monitor the situation closely and is prepared to take additional measures as needed to protect residents and mitigate the impact of the flooding.

The severe flooding in Valais highlights the vulnerability of the region to extreme weather events. Authorities remain vigilant, implementing precautionary measures to safeguard residents and minimize damage as the situation evolves.

Key Takeaways:

  • Flooding cuts off Zermatt, severing all transport links to the village.
  • Rising Rhone river poses a significant flooding threat to Valais.
  • Around 30 residents evacuated in Chippis as a precaution.
  • Swiss authorities elevate danger level to second-highest due to flooding.
  • Residents advised to avoid watercourses and refrain from filming storms.



Disaster Floods