Tunisian Authorities Accused of Expelling Sub-Saharan Migrants to Libyan Border

Tunisian authorities, allegedly funded by EU funds, have been expelling thousands of sub-Saharan migrants to the Libyan border, leaving them stranded and vulnerable. The migrants face severe risks, including abandonment, kidnapping, torture, sexual violence, and death.

Nimrah Khatoon
New Update
Tunisian Authorities Accused of Expelling Sub-Saharan Migrants to Libyan Border

Tunisian Authorities Accused of Expelling Sub-Saharan Migrants to Libyan Border

Tunisian authorities, allegedly funded by the EU funds, have been systematically expelling thousands of sub-Saharan migrants to the Libyan border, where they are left stranded and vulnerable. This practice, known as 'desert dumps,' has raised significant concerns among human rights groups and experts.

A year-long joint investigation by The Washington Post, Lighthouse Reports, and a consortium of international media outlets has revealed that the EU and individual European nations are supporting and financing aggressive operations by North African governments. These operations aim to detain tens of thousands of migrants each year and abandon them in remote areas.

Why this matters: This matter highlights the darker side of immigration policies and their impact on human lives. If left unchecked, such practices can lead to further human rights violations and loss of lives.

François, a 38-year-old Cameroonian, was among a group of 30 migrants, including two pregnant women, intercepted by the Tunisian coast guard while attempting to reach Europe. The migrants were forced to walk 345 miles to the Algerian frontier, where they were warned, 'If you're seen here, you'll be shot.'

The investigation uncovered that European funds have been used to train personnel and buy equipment for units implicated in these desert dumps and other human rights abuses. Migrants expelled to these inhospitable parts of North Africa face severe risks, including abandonment with no food or water, kidnapping, extortion, torture, sexual violence, and death.

Human rights groups have condemned the EU's involvement in these operations, highlighting the dire consequences for the migrants. François's ordeal, documented through GPS tracking on his phone and images and videos he captured, underscores the brutal reality faced by those expelled.

The practice of desert dumps is not confined to Tunisia. Similar operations have been documented in Morocco and Mauritania, all of which are key stages in the main migration routes to Europe. The EU's policy to combat unauthorized immigration has led to increased resources being devoted to these North African countries, resulting in widespread human rights violations.

Lamine, a young Guinean, was arrested six times by Moroccan police in 2023 before being deported to the desert. Bella and Idiatou, also Guinean, were abandoned in the Mauritanian desert after being arrested and imprisoned for attempting to reach Spain by sea. These personal stories highlight the human cost of the EU's anti-migrant policies.

The EU has mobilized significant resources to support these countries in combating unauthorized immigration. However, the resulting human rights abuses have led to calls for greater accountability and a reevaluation of the EU's role in these operations.

Thousands of sub-Saharan migrants continue to face extreme hardships as they are expelled to remote desert areas. The international community must address these human rights violations and ensure the protection and dignity of all migrants.

Key Takeaways

  • Tunisian authorities, funded by EU, expel thousands of sub-Saharan migrants to Libyan border, leaving them stranded.
  • EU funds support aggressive operations by North African governments, detaining and abandoning migrants in remote areas.
  • Migrants face severe risks, including abandonment, kidnapping, torture, sexual violence, and death.
  • Human rights groups condemn EU's involvement, highlighting dire consequences for migrants.
  • EU's anti-migrant policies lead to widespread human rights violations, sparking calls for accountability and reform.