Russian Missile Hits Residential Building in Dnipro, Ukraine, Killing at Least One and Injuring 12

A Russian missile strike hit a residential building in Dnipro, Ukraine, killing at least one person and injuring 12 others, including a 7-month-old infant, with the death toll likely to rise as rescue efforts continue.

Nitish Verma
New Update

A devastating Russian missile strike hit a nine-story residential building in the central Ukrainian city of Dnipro on Friday, leaving a trail of destruction and chaos in its wake. According to officials, at least one person was killed, and 12 others were injured, including a 7-month-old infant, in the attack that reduced a significant portion of the building to rubble.

The strike, which occurred on Friday, caused the upper four storeys of the building to collapse, trapping several people underneath the debris. Interior Minister Ihor Klymenko warned that the death toll was likely to rise as rescue efforts continued to uncover more victims. Later statements from the Interior Ministry confirmed that the fire at the site had been extinguished, and the remains of one person had been detected underneath the rubble. Two people were listed as missing.

Regional governor Serhiy Lysak reported that 12 people had been injured in the attack, with three in severe condition. The governor shared a photograph on the Telegram messaging app, showing the badly damaged building with smoke rising from a gaping hole in its upper storeys. Other images circulated on social media depicted emergency crews navigating through piles of rubble.

The attack on Dnipro, a major Ukrainian city with a pre-war population of almost one million people, is a stark reminder of the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia. Dnipro lies on the road to the east of the country, where the most intense fighting with Russian forces is raging. The city has been regularly targeted by missile and drone strikes since Russia launched its invasion in February 2022. Russia denies targeting civilians and civilian infrastructure, but thousands of people have been killed in the conflict.

Why it Matters : The attack on Dnipro highlights the urgent need for Ukraine's allies to step up their support in providing air defenses to the country. President Volodymyr Zelenskiy has called on Ukraine's allies to increase their supplies of air defenses to help the military intercept Russia's regular aerial attacks. The continued targeting of civilian areas and infrastructure underscores the importance of providing Ukraine with the necessary tools to protect its citizens and defend its sovereignty.

The international community must take a stronger stance in condemning Russia's actions and providing support to Ukraine in its time of need. The attack on Dnipro is a stark reminder of the human cost of the conflict and the need for a peaceful resolution.

Key Takeaways :

  • A Russian missile strike hit a residential building in Dnipro, Ukraine, killing at least one person and injuring 12 others.
  • The attack caused the upper four storeys of the building to collapse, trapping several people underneath the debris.
  • President Volodymyr Zelenskiy has called on Ukraine's allies to increase their supplies of air defenses to help the military intercept Russia's regular aerial attacks.
  • Dnipro has been regularly targeted by missile and drone strikes since Russia launched its invasion in February 2022.
  • The attack on Dnipro highlights the urgent need for the international community to take a stronger stance in condemning Russia's actions and providing support to Ukraine.