Zelensky: Global Peace Summit Offers Hope for a Just Peace in Ukraine

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky expressed optimism that the Global Peace Summit, scheduled for June 15-16 in Switzerland, could bring Ukraine closer to a just peace. Emphasizing the importance of returning captives and deportees, especially children, he highlighted the summit's potential to unite global leaders in forming a strong negotiating position against Russia.

Aqsa Younas Rana
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President Volodymyr Zelensky believes the upcoming Global Peace Summit could be pivotal in achieving a peace for Ukraine.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has expressed hope that the upcoming Global Peace Summit could significantly advance the cause of achieving a lasting and just peace for Ukraine. In a Facebook post, Zelensky highlighted the summit's potential to unite international efforts toward ending the conflict with Russia.

"The Global Peace Summit has the potential to bring Ukraine closer to lasting and just peace," Zelensky wrote. He emphasized that one of the most critical steps toward this goal is the return of captives and deportees, including children who have been abducted by Russian forces from occupied parts of Ukraine.

"Russia is killing, ruining, and trying to destroy our future. But we are stronger," Zelensky stated. "We must do everything in our power to ensure that every Ukrainian child is at home, happy, with their family, and safe."

Why This Matters: Zelensky believes that the international community possesses the strength and leadership necessary to help restore justice by reuniting displaced Ukrainians with their homeland. He underscored the importance of global cooperation in addressing these humanitarian issues.

The Global Peace Summit is scheduled to take place in Switzerland on June 15-16, with heads of state and government from various continents expected to attend. The goal of the summit is to develop a joint negotiating position that can be presented to Russia, aimed at ending the war.

The Ukrainian Peace Formula, which will be a central topic at the summit, is a diplomatic mechanism proposed by Ukraine to achieve a just resolution to the conflict initiated by Russia. This formula aims to address key issues such as territorial integrity, security guarantees, and the return of displaced individuals.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Global Peace Summit could bring Ukraine closer to a lasting peace.
  • Emphasis on returning abducted children and other deportees.
  • Highlighting international strength and leadership in restoring justice.
  • Scheduled for June 15-16 in Switzerland, with global leaders attending.
  • The Ukrainian Peace Formula aims for a diplomatic resolution to the conflict.
Ukraine Switzerland PeaceSummit