Durham Constabulary Cyclists to Honor Fallen Officer with 100-Mile Charity Ride

A team of 15 cyclists from Durham Constabulary will embark on a 100-mile charity cycle event across County Durham and Darlington to mark the 20th anniversary of the death of PC Jonathan Green, a 23-year-old officer who died in a collision in 2004. The event will raise funds for the Care of Police Survivors charity and feature the unveiling of a memorial plaque in PC Green's honor at Barnard Castle Emergency Hub." This description focuses on the primary topic of the charity cycle event, the main entities involved (Durham Constabulary, PC Jonathan Green, and the Care of Police Survivors charity), the context of the event (marking the 20th anniversary of PC Green's death), and the significant actions and consequences (raising funds and unveiling a memorial plaque). The description also provides objective and relevant details that will help an AI generate an accurate visual representation of the article's content, such as the location of the event and the memorial plaque.

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Durham Constabulary Cyclists to Honor Fallen Officer with 100-Mile Charity Ride

Durham Constabulary Cyclists to Honor Fallen Officer with 100-Mile Charity Ride

On May 15, 2024, a team of 15 cyclists from Durham Constabulary will embark on a 100-mile charity cycle event across County Durham and Darlington to mark the 20th anniversary of the death of PC Jonathan Green. Green, who was just 23, died in a collision on his way home from work in 2004 at Whorlton Crossroads near Barnard Castle.

Why this matters: This event highlights the sacrifices made by law enforcement officers who put their lives on the line to protect their communities, and it serves as a reminder of the importance of honoring their memories. It also raises awareness about the support needed for the families of fallen officers, which is crucial for their well-being and healing.

During the event, the team will unveil a memorial plaque in PC Green's honor at Barnard Castle Emergency Hub around lunchtime. The plaque will serve as a tribute to Green's ultimate sacrifice in protecting his community.

The cycling event will also raise funds for the Care of Police Survivors charity. The team includes retiring officers Assistant Chief Constable Tonya Antonis and Inspector Ed Turner, who have dedicated their careers to serving the people of County Durham and Darlington.

ACC Antonis, who has had a 28-year policing career, said: "It has been an absolute honour to serve as Assistant Chief Constable at Durham Constabulary... This ride will be a fitting way to end my time here – remembering and honouring those colleagues who have gone before, and who made the ultimate sacrifice in protecting their communities."

Inspector Turner, who organized the cycling event, said: "It will be an honour as I leave policing to take part in this challenge and to cycle in memory of Jonathan. I have thoroughly enjoyed my policing career - I've worked with some amazing people, who go over and above every day to help others."

The 100-mile charity cycle ride by Durham Constabulary officers serves as a poignant tribute to PC Jonathan Green on the 20th anniversary of his tragic death. The unveiling of the memorial plaque at Barnard Castle Emergency Hub will provide a lasting reminder of Green's service and sacrifice. As the team raises funds for the Care of Police Survivors charity, they honor the memory of their fallen colleague and the dedication of all officers who put their lives on the line to protect and serve their communities every day.

Key Takeaways

  • 15 Durham Constabulary cyclists to ride 100 miles to mark 20th anniversary of PC Jonathan Green's death.
  • Event honors fallen officers and raises funds for Care of Police Survivors charity.
  • Memorial plaque to be unveiled at Barnard Castle Emergency Hub.
  • Retiring officers ACC Tonya Antonis and Inspector Ed Turner participating in the ride.
  • Ride aims to raise awareness and support for families of fallen officers.