June 2024 Book Recommendations Highlight Non-Fiction Gems and Kafka's Legacy

The June 2024 monthly book recommendation list features ten non-fiction titles, including "Kafka: Making of an Icon," which coincides with the Kafka exhibition at the ST Lee Gallery. The exhibition, part of the Oxford Kafka 2024 programme, runs from May 30th to October 27th, 2024, and will later move to the Morgan Library & Museum in New York.

Bijay Laxmi
New Update
June 2024 Book Recommendations Highlight Non-Fiction Gems and Kafka's Legacy

June 2024 Book Recommendations Highlight Non-Fiction Gems and Kafka's Legacy

The June 2024 monthly book recommendation list has been unveiled, featuring ten non-fiction titles selected by an independent jury of experts from various fields. These books cover a range of topics, including democracy, Kafka, and social research.

Among the notable recommendations is 'Kafka: Making of an Icon,' a book that delves into the life and legacy of Franz Kafka. This comes at a time when the 'Kafka: Making of an Icon' exhibition is running at the ST Lee Gallery at the Weston Library. The exhibition, part of the Oxford Kafka 2024 programme, commemorates the centenary of Kafka's death and runs from May 30th to October 27th, 2024.

The exhibition highlights Kafka's global influence, showcasing original manuscripts of his unfinished novels, America and The Castle, in addition to the original manuscript of The Transformation. Other notable items include entomology book illustrations of Gregor Samsa's creature form, Andy Warhol's portrait of Kafka, and various translations of his works from around the world.

After the exhibition concludes in Oxford, it will move to the Morgan Library & Museum in New York, where it will be displayed from November 22nd, 2024.

The June 2024 book list also includes a variety of other compelling titles. 'Grand Central' by George Stephanopoulos with Lisa Dickey examines the crises handled by presidential administrations, while 'The 1866 Orphan Train' by Erik Larson explores the period between Abraham Lincoln's election and the Civil War.

Jonathan Haidt's '3 Minutes with God' looks at the mental health impacts of a phone-based life on children, and Tom Selleck's 'A Better Man' charts his path from childhood to Hollywood success. Bessel van der Kolk's 'The Body Keeps the Score' explores how trauma affects the body and mind and discusses innovative treatments for recovery.

Other notable books include Doris Kearns Goodwin's 'Leadership in Turbulent Times,' inspired by items collected by her late husband, and Kathleen Hanna's 'Let the Music Play,' which shares stories from her time in the bands Bikini Kill, Le Tigre, and the Julie Ruin.

Victor Davis Hanson's 'The Case for Killing' examines how societies obliterate their foes, while Whoopi Goldberg's 'If I Don't Make It, I Love You' shares personal stories about her family. Adam Higginbotham's 'Holdout' chronicles the history of the space shuttle program, focusing on the 1986 disaster that killed all seven people on board.

The book list appears in the June 2, 2024, issue of The New York Times Book Review, with rankings reflecting sales for the week ending May 18, 2024. More information about the methodology can be found on the New York Times website.

The June 2024 book recommendation list and the Kafka exhibition both highlight the enduring impact of literature and history, offering readers and visitors a chance to explore significant works and their legacies.

Key Takeaways

  • June 2024 book list features 10 non-fiction titles on democracy, Kafka, and social research.
  • 'Kafka: Making of an Icon' book coincides with Oxford Kafka 2024 exhibition.
  • Exhibition showcases Kafka's manuscripts, illustrations, and translations, moving to NY's Morgan Library in Nov.
  • Other notable book titles include 'Grand Central', 'The 1866 Orphan Train', and 'The Body Keeps the Score'.
  • Book list appears in June 2, 2024, issue of The New York Times Book Review.