Barry's Instructor Introduces 13-MinuteFull-Body Ride x Lift Workout

Barry's instructor Ianthe Mellors created a 13-minute full-body workout routine, Ride x Lift, combining low-impact cardio cycling with upper-body strength exercises. The routine is designed for beginners, can be completed in a short time, and offers modifications for safety and accessibility.

Nitish Verma
New Update
Barry's Instructor Introduces 13-MinuteFull-Body Ride x Lift Workout

Barry's Instructor Introduces 13-MinuteFull-Body Ride x Lift Workout

Ianthe Mellors, a Barry's instructor, has created a 13-minute full-body workout routine that combines low-impact cardio cycling with upper-body strength exercises. The Ride x Lift program is designed for beginners and can be completed in a short amount of time, making it ideal for those with busy schedules.

The workout consists of two parts: a cycling workout and a strength training portion. The cycling portion includes a warm-up, speed variations, and resistance changes to challenge the muscles and get the heart rate up. This is followed by the strength training portion, which includes bodyweight exercises, tricep pushups, shoulder taps, upright rows, bicep curls, and hammer curls, using medium dumbbells for added resistance.

For beginners, Mellors offers several tips to modify the workout and make it more accessible. She suggests staying in the saddle, adjusting resistance, and using lighter weights to start. "Cycling is a great cardio option because it's low impact, putting less pressure on your joints," Mellors explains. She also emphasizes focusing on effort rather than speed or intensity, and listening to your body to avoid injury or strain.

Safety is a key consideration for this workout routine. Mellors provides specific tips for pregnant women to modify exercises and avoid putting pressure on the joints. For those with knee or back issues, she recommends avoiding high-impact exercises and focusing on low-impact movements instead.

The benefits of the Ride x Lift workout are numerous. "You've got an effective full-body workout that fits into any schedule," Mellors states. She stresses the importance of doing something rather than nothing, highlighting the effectiveness of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) for improving cardio endurance, boosting metabolism, and getting an endorphin rush. The workout can be used as a standalone routine on days when time is limited or as a warm-up before a longer workout session.

The 13-minute Ride x Lift workout is a condensed version of the 50-minute class Mellors teaches at Barry's, which is not yet available at all locations. By following the provided exercises and tips, beginners can safely and effectively improve their fitness level and overall health in a short amount of time. "Use it as a standalone workout on days when you're pressed for time or to 'warm you up and get you sweaty' before a longer workout," Mellors suggests.