Dog Saved from Euthanasia After Vet Discovers Owner's Attempt to Reclaim Pet

A Maryland woman, Kristie Pereira, took her sick dog Beau to be euthanized, but the shelter's veterinarians intervened, and the dog was adopted out again. Pereira discovered Beau's photo online and is now fighting to be reunited with him, offering to pay for his surgery.

Bijay Laxmi
New Update
Dog Saved from Euthanasia After Vet Discovers Owner's Attempt to Reclaim Pet

Dog Saved from Euthanasia After Vet Discovers Owner's Attempt to Reclaim Pet

In a dramatic series of events, a dog named Beau was saved from euthanasia at a Maryland vet clinic when a veterinarian discovered the dog's owner was trying to contact her to reclaim the pet.

Kristie Pereira, a 32-year-old digital marketing professional, adopted Beau, a 2-month-old hound mix, from Lost Dog Cat Rescue Foundation in late 2022. Soon after the adoption, Beau's health began to decline. Multiple veterinarians diagnosed a severe neurological problem, estimating the cost of tests at $12,000. Pereira was willing to pay but was told the issue might not be fixable.

In late March 2023, Pereira, feeling exhausted and out of options, took Beau to Montgomery County Animal Services in Derwood, Maryland, to be euthanized, paying $15 for the procedure. However, the shelter's veterinarians did not think Beau needed to be euthanized and contacted Lost Dog Cat Rescue, which took the dog back.

Why this matters: This story highlights the complexities and challenges involved in pet euthanasia and re-homing, sparking a wider conversation about animal rescue policies and the rights of pet owners. The outcome of this case could have implications for the way rescue organizations and shelters handle similar situations in the future.

During a visit to her mother in Maryland, Pereira discovered Beau's photo on the rescue's website, listed under a different name and up for adoption. Calls to the shelter confirmed that Beau was alive. The rescue had performed a $7,000 surgery to treat a liver problem, which Pereira was not informed about.

Pereira claimed she was met with rudeness and disrespect when she contacted the rescue, being told she had abandoned Beau and did not care about him. Chloe Floyd, a spokesperson for the rescue, defended the decision, citing their mission to save adoptable dogs from euthanasia. Pereira is now fighting to be reunited with Beau, offering to pay the $7,000 cost of the surgery.

Pereira expressed her frustration, saying, "I have a lot of questions, but first and foremost, I want him back with me." The rescue's policy does not allow re-homing an owner-surrendered dog with its former adopter, a stance reiterated by Floyd.

The controversy has drawn attention to the policies of animal shelters and rescue organizations, highlighting the complex decisions involved in pet euthanasia and re-homing. Pereira remains hopeful for a reunion with Beau, emphasizing her willingness to cover the medical expenses incurred.

As this situation unfolds, the broader implications for animal rescue policies and the rights of pet owners continue to be a point of discussion. Pereira's determination to reclaim Beau highlights the deep bond between pets and their owners.

Pereira's fight to reunite with Beau highlights the challenges and emotional complexities faced by pet owners and rescue organizations alike.

Key Takeaways

  • Beau, a 2-month-old hound mix, was saved from euthanasia at a Maryland vet clinic.
  • Owner Kristie Pereira took Beau to be euthanized due to a severe neurological problem.
  • The shelter didn't euthanize Beau, instead contacting Lost Dog Cat Rescue, which took him back.
  • Pereira discovered Beau was up for adoption again, sparking a controversy over rescue policies.
  • Pereira is fighting to be reunited with Beau, offering to pay the $7,000 surgery cost.