Frustration Mounts as Tony Dapolito Pool Remains Closed for Fifth Summer

The Tony Dapolito Recreation Center pool in New York City's Greenwich Village remains closed for a fifth consecutive summer due to ongoing renovations. The prolonged closure has sparked frustration among local residents, who feel the city is not prioritizing the project.

Bijay Laxmi
New Update
Frustration Mounts as Tony Dapolito Pool Remains Closed for Fifth Summer

Frustration Mounts as Tony Dapolito Pool Remains Closed for Fifth Summer

The Tony Dapolito Recreation Center pool in New York City's Greenwich Village, featuring a celebrated Keith Haring mural, remains closed for a fifth consecutive summer as ongoing renovations continue. This extended closure has sparked significant frustration among local residents, who feel that the city is not prioritizing the project.

The pool, which has been shut down since 2019, was initially slated for renovations beginning in 2017 with a budget of $4 million. However, the scope of the project expanded, ballooning the budget to $17 million. As of May 2024, only 72% of the construction has been completed.

Residents are increasingly vocal about their dissatisfaction. Kitty Hegeman, who has used the pool for a decade, expressed her frustration, saying, "Years and years go by and nothing happens... It's just a waste just sitting there for so long."

The city's Parks Department maintains that the project is a high priority, but this assertion is met with skepticism by the community. Cristinia Diaz, a local mother, emphasized the urgency of completing the renovations, stating, "They have to fix it... The damage from being closed defeats the purpose of getting it fixed soon."

Why this matters: The prolonged closure of the Tony Dapolito Recreation Center pool highlights the need for effective project management and accountability in government-funded projects. If left unaddressed, it may lead to further erosion of trust in local authorities and negatively impact the community's quality of life.

The closure has also led to concerns about the lack of amenities for children during the summer. Andrew Leong, a resident, noted the importance of structured activities, saying, "In the summertime we need services for the kids so they have something to do, to be occupied and not hanging out... to be in a structured, supervised environment."

The alternative solution proposed by the city, the Hamilton Fish Pool, is deemed inadequate by many residents because of its location and overcrowding. Becca Quinn, another resident, criticized the current state of the Tony Dapolito pool, describing it as *"an outrage and disservice"* to the community.

The pool's closure has also led to the deterioration of the Keith Haring mural, a significant cultural and artistic feature of the recreation center. Residents fear that prolonged neglect will result in further damage, undermining the purpose of the renovations.

The community waits for the completion of the renovations, and the frustration and disappointment among local residents continue to grow. The prolonged closure of the Tony Dapolito Recreation Center pool highlights the need for timely and effective project management to restore this vital community resource.

Key Takeaways

  • Tony Dapolito Recreation Center pool in NYC's Greenwich Village remains closed for 5th summer due to ongoing renovations.
  • Initial budget of $4 million ballooned to $17 million, with only 72% of construction completed as of May 2024.
  • Local residents are frustrated, feeling the city is not prioritizing the project, and are concerned about lack of amenities for children.
  • The alternative Hamilton Fish Pool is deemed inadequate due to location and overcrowding.
  • The prolonged closure has led to deterioration of the Keith Haring mural, a significant cultural feature of the recreation center.