Gene Snitsky Recreates Infamous 2004 'Baby Punt' Angle at Independent Show

Gene Snitsky, a former WWE wrestler, recreated his controversial 2004 'baby punt' angle at an independent wrestling show called 'The Last Match' in May 2024. Snitsky punted a fake baby doll into the crowd, echoing his notorious WWE Raw segment.

Aqsa Younas Rana
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Gene Snitsky Recreates Infamous 2004 'Baby Punt' Angle at Independent Show

Gene Snitsky Recreates Infamous 2004 'Baby Punt' Angle at Independent Show

Gene Snitsky, a former WWE wrestler, revived his controversial 2004 'baby punt' angle at an independent wrestling show called 'The Last Match' in May 2024. The event saw Snitsky punting a fake baby doll into the crowd, echoing his notorious WWE Raw segment where he mocked Lita's storyline miscarriage.

The original angle, which aired on Raw in 2004, involved Snitsky mocking Lita's miscarriage by punting a fake baby doll. The segment was widely criticized for its poor taste, yet it has since become a memorable moment for many wrestling fans. Snitsky's character was initially a one-night jobber, but his antics earned him a longer stint with WWE.

During 'The Last Match,' Snitsky recreated the infamous scene to the delight of the audience. The independent show, described as a 'Pro-Wrestling Rock Experience,' featured Snitsky grabbing a fake baby doll from a stroller and punting it into the crowd. The audience responded with enthusiastic cheers, relishing the nostalgic reference to the controversial WWE moment.

Snitsky, who debuted in WWE in 2004, has been associated with Major League Wrestling (MLW) in recent years but has not wrestled since September 2023. He made a cameo appearance on a November 2023 episode of WWE Raw and has occasionally returned to the independent circuit despite retiring from professional wrestling in 2018.

The recreation of the 'baby punt' angle has sparked curiosity about whether Snitsky might make another appearance in WWE in the future. His ability to poke fun at his own controversial past and engage with fans through such moments demonstrates the enduring impact of his WWE career.

Snitsky's return to the independent wrestling scene, even for a brief moment, highlights the lasting impression his WWE persona has left on fans. Whether this will lead to more appearances remains to be seen, but for now, the recreation of the infamous 'baby punt' has certainly reignited discussions about one of WWE's most controversial angles.

Key Takeaways

  • Gene Snitsky recreated his 2004 "baby punt" angle at an indie show in May 2024.
  • The original angle mocked Lita's storyline miscarriage on WWE Raw in 2004.
  • The indie show crowd cheered as Snitsky punted a fake baby doll into the audience.
  • Snitsky has been associated with MLW and occasionally returns to the indie circuit.
  • The stunt sparks curiosity about a potential WWE return for Snitsky.