Health & Fitness Leaders Advocate for PHIT Act in Washington, DC

The Health & Fitness Association's 2023 Fly-In and Advocacy Summit drew 120 industry leaders to meet with 130 members of Congress to advocate for the PHIT Act. The act aims to allow Americans to use up to $1,000 from FSAs and HSAs for fitness expenses.

Aqsa Younas Rana
New Update
Health & Fitness Leaders Advocate for PHIT Act in Washington, DC

Health & Fitness Leaders Advocate for PHIT Act in Washington, DC

The Health & Fitness Association's 2023 Fly-In and Advocacy Summit convened on May 7-8, 2023, in Washington, DC, drawing 120 industry leaders to meet with 130 members of Congress. The primary focus of the summit was to advocate for the Personal Health Investment Today (PHIT) Act.

The PHIT Act, which has garnered significant support with 76 co-sponsors in the House of Representatives and 18 in the Senate, aims to allow Americans to use up to $1,000 from flexible spending accounts (FSAs) and health savings accounts (HSAs) for fitness expenses. This includes memberships to fitness facilities, fitness equipment, and youth sports leagues.

Liz Clark, President & CEO of the Health & Fitness Association, played a pivotal role in organizing the summit. With her extensive background as a lobbyist for the National Confectioners Association, Clark emphasized the importance of building relationships with legislators to advance the PHIT Act.

Clark's team, sharing her commitment to advocacy, held 130 meetings with members of Congress or their staff. These meetings underscored the industry's collective effort to push for the PHIT Act's passage. Clark's strategic approach has been instrumental in the act's growing support.

The summit's success is reflected in the participation numbers and the act's current co-sponsorship. The event brought together key figures like Linda Mitchell of Newtown Athletic Club, who, along with others, met with Congress members including Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA).

The PHIT Act proposes that single individuals can use up to $1,000 from FSAs and HSAs for fitness expenses, while couples can allocate up to $2,000. This financial flexibility aims to encourage more Americans to invest in their health and fitness.

The Health & Fitness Association's 2023 Fly-In and Advocacy Summit highlights the critical role of relationship-building in legislative advocacy. By fostering strong connections with lawmakers, the HFA continues to advance the interests of the health and fitness industry.

Key Takeaways

  • The Health & Fitness Association's 2023 Fly-In and Advocacy Summit drew 120 industry leaders to meet with 130 members of Congress.
  • The summit focused on advocating for the Personal Health Investment Today (PHIT) Act, which has 76 House and 18 Senate co-sponsors.
  • The PHIT Act would allow Americans to use up to $1,000 from FSAs and HSAs for fitness expenses, including gym memberships and equipment.
  • Liz Clark, HFA President & CEO, played a key role in organizing the summit and building relationships with legislators.
  • The summit's success is reflected in the growing support for the PHIT Act, which aims to encourage Americans to invest in their health and fitness.