Users Accuse Fitness and Survey Apps of Failing to Deliver Cryptocurrency Rewards

Fitness and survey apps, including Fitmin and Surveytime, have failed to deliver cryptocurrency rewards and instant cash payouts, sparking user frustration and accusations of scams. Users report tasks being rejected and rewards not being paid out as promised, leading to negative reviews and mistrust.

Nitish Verma
New Update
Users Accuse Fitness and Survey Apps of Failing to Deliver Cryptocurrency Rewards

Users Accuse Fitness and Survey Apps of Failing to Deliver Cryptocurrency Rewards

Several users have reported that fitness and survey apps, including Fitmin and Surveytime, have failed to deliver on their promises of cryptocurrency rewards and instant cash payouts for completing tasks and surveys. This has led to significant frustration and accusations of scams.

Why this matters: The failure of fitness and survey apps to deliver cryptocurrency rewards and instant cash payouts has broader implications for the trust and reliability of online earning opportunities. If left unchecked, it could lead to a surge in scams and fraudulent activities, causing financial losses for users and damaging the reputation of the industry as a whole.

Fitmin, a fitness app that encourages users to stay active by offering tap to earn money rewards for walking and running activities, has come under fire from users who claim they have not received the promised payouts. One user, Pablo Andrada, expressed his disappointment by stating, "Lies, it doesn't pay any money, waste of time, I don't recommend it at all."

Surveytime, a survey platform that promises $1 for each completed questionnaire with immediate payouts, has also faced backlash. Users have reported changes to the withdrawal policy, now requiring a minimum withdrawal amount, which has caused frustration. Ángel, a user of Surveytime, mentioned, "It was a good option to get extra money in my PayPal account... It's a shame that with the latest update a minimum withdrawal is requested, which I don't see as convenient because it converts like other survey pages."

The common issue among these apps appears to be the failure to fulfill their promises, possibly stemming from dependencies on agreements with third-party investors. Users have reported that tasks are often rejected, and rewards are not paid out as promised, leading to growing mistrust.

The frustration among users is compounded by the changes to withdrawal policies, which many feel are intentionally designed to make it harder to claim rewards. This has led to a surge in negative reviews and accusations of these apps being scams.

The popularity of cryptocurrency and online earning opportunities continues to grow, making it essential for users to remain vigilant and conduct thorough research before engaging with such apps. The experiences reported by users of Fitmin and Surveytime highlight the need for transparency and reliability in this market.

Essentially, the complaints against Fitmin and Surveytime highlight the challenges users face with apps that promise but fail to deliver cryptocurrency rewards and instant cash payouts. The changes to withdrawal policies have only added to the frustration, leading many to question the legitimacy of these platforms.

Key Takeaways

  • Fitness and survey apps like Fitmin and Surveytime fail to deliver cryptocurrency rewards and cash payouts.
  • Users report frustration and accuse apps of being scams due to unfulfilled promises.
  • Changes to withdrawal policies add to user frustration and mistrust.
  • Lack of transparency and reliability in online earning opportunities leads to financial losses.
  • Users must conduct thorough research before engaging with such apps to avoid scams.