Pope Francis Faces Backlash Over Remarks on Gossip and Women

Pope Francis faces criticism for allegedly telling young priests that "gossip is women's stuff" and using a derogatory term for homosexuality. The Vatican has yet to comment on the incidents, which have sparked controversy and accusations of sexism and homophobia.

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Pope Francis Faces Backlash Over Remarks on Gossip and Women

Pope Francis Faces Backlash Over Remarks on Gossip and Women

Pope Francis has come under fire for remarks made during a closed-door meeting with young Roman priests in Rome on May 29, 2024. The Pope allegedly stated that 'gossip is women's stuff' and added, 'We wear the trousers, we must say the things.'

These comments have ignited controversy, especially as they come on the heels of another recent incident where Pope Francis apologized for using a derogatory term for homosexuality during a meeting with over 200 Italian bishops. The term, 'frociaggine,' translates to 'faggot' in English.

The remarks about gossip have been widely accused as sexist, drawing ire from various quarters. The Vatican has yet to comment on the latest incident, but the Pope's earlier apology for his homophobic slur suggests an awareness of the potential fallout.

The meeting took place during a discussion on avoiding 'badmouthing' in parishes and congregations. The website Il Silere Non Possum, which reported the story, claims to have audio recordings of the discussion from multiple participants.

This incident is not the first time Pope Francis has made remarks perceived as sexist. In 2013, he told nuns to 'be a mother and not an old maid,' and in 2014, he described the appointment of women to the Vatican's international theological commission as 'the strawberries on the cake.' Despite these comments, Pope Francis has publicly advocated for women's progress and appointed women to top Vatican roles.

The Pope's latest comments have raised questions about his views on women and the LGBTQ+ community. Critics argue that such remarks undermine his efforts to promote inclusivity and respect within the Catholic Church.

In April 2024, Pope Francis had called for the recognition of the dignity and worth of women in every culture, saying, 'Let us pray that the dignity and worth of women be recognised in every culture, and for an end to the discrimination they face in various parts of the world.' His recent comments seem to contrast starkly with this earlier message.

Controversy continues to unfold, and the Vatican's response to these issues is still uncertain, with the question being whether Pope Francis will offer another apology to mitigate the backlash.

Key Takeaways

  • Pope Francis sparks controversy with alleged sexist remark: "Gossip is women's stuff."
  • Comment comes after apology for using homophobic slur "frociaggine" in meeting with Italian bishops.
  • Vatican has yet to comment on latest incident, despite earlier apology.
  • Pope's remarks contradict his earlier message promoting women's dignity and worth.
  • Controversy raises questions about Pope's views on women and LGBTQ+ community.