Devastation in Venezuela: Hurricane Beryl Leaves 2 Dead, 5 Missing, And 25,000 Affected

Hurricane Beryl has left a trail of devastation in northeast Venezuela's Sucre state, causing two deaths, five missing persons, and affecting 25,000 people. Flooding and heavy rains overwhelmed the region, prompting a significant emergency response from the government.

Aqsa Younas Rana
New Update

Hurricane Beryl caused 2 deaths and left 5 people missing in Venezuela.

At least two people are dead, five are missing, and 25,000 are affected after Hurricane Beryl tore through northeast Venezuela’s Sucre state, according to Interior and Justice Minister Remigio Ceballos on Tuesday.

Interior and Justice Minister Remigio Ceballos provided a grim update, stating, "To date, we can say that, unfortunately, two people have died, five are missing, and we are in a permanent, direct search for survivors and victims." He also highlighted the widespread impact of the storm, noting that "25,000 people are affected by the rains."

Why This Matters: In response to the disaster, Venezuelan Vice President Delcy Rodriguez announced via social media platform X that a ministerial commission is en route to Sucre to manage the emergency. This team aims to assess the damage and coordinate relief efforts to support the impacted population.

The city of Cumanacoa in Sucre state experienced severe flooding early Tuesday as heavy rains from Hurricane Beryl caused the Manzanares River to overflow. The Category 5 hurricane, with maximum sustained winds of 270 kilometers per hour, moved rapidly at 35 kilometers per hour across the Venezuelan Caribbean, according to the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology.

The hurricane’s ferocity not only led to immediate casualties and widespread displacement but also threatened the region's infrastructure and essential services. Efforts are underway to provide immediate relief and support to those affected, with rescue operations focusing on finding the missing and offering aid to those displaced by the floods.

The Venezuelan government has activated emergency protocols and is coordinating with local authorities to ensure that necessary resources and assistance reach the most affected areas swiftly. The emphasis is on mitigating further damage and preventing additional loss of life as the country grapples with the aftermath of this natural disaster.

Key Takeaways:

  • Hurricane Beryl caused 2 deaths and left 5 people missing in Venezuela.
  • Approximately 25,000 individuals in Sucre state have been affected by the storm.
  • Heavy rains and flooding in Cumanacoa resulted from the Manzanares River overflowing.
  • A ministerial commission is heading to Sucre to manage the emergency response.
  • Hurricane Beryl’s winds reached 270 km/h, moving rapidly at 35 km/h across the region.

climate Floods