Houthis Claim Ballistic Missile Strike on Vessel in Arabian Sea

The Houthis claimed a ballistic missile strike on the MSC Sarah V in the Arabian Sea, although reports indicate the vessel was not hit. The attack is part of ongoing Houthi assaults on maritime targets.

Aqsa Younas Rana
New Update
red sea

The Houthis claimed a ballistic missile strike on the MSC Sarah V in the Arabian Sea.

On Tuesday, Yemen’s Houthi rebels claimed responsibility for a ballistic missile attack on the MSC Sarah V vessel in the Arabian Sea. This announcement came a day after the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden Joint Maritime Information Center reported that a Liberian-flagged vessel had been targeted by a missile but was not hit.

Yahya Sarea, a spokesperson for the Houthis, stated that the group used a new ballistic missile for the attack and claimed an “accurate and direct” hit on the vessel, which he described as “Israeli.” The Houthis' assertion contrasts with reports indicating the missile missed its target. The vessel, reportedly targeted due to perceived Israeli association, was sailing 246 nautical miles off Yemen’s Nishtun at the time.

Why This Matters: Despite the Houthi claims, the United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations confirmed that the crew was safe. The MSC Sarah V was able to continue its journey to the next port of call without sustaining damage. This incident is part of a broader pattern of Houthi attacks in key shipping lanes since November, which the group has stated are in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza.

Over the past few months, the Iran-aligned Houthi group has increased its drone and missile strikes on maritime targets. These attacks have resulted in the sinking of two vessels, the seizure of another, and the deaths of at least three seafarers. The ongoing assaults have raised significant concerns about the safety and security of international maritime routes in the region.

The Houthis' missile strike claims highlight the persistent threats to maritime safety in the Arabian Sea and surrounding waters. The international community continues to monitor the situation closely, urging measures to ensure the security of commercial shipping routes.

Key Takeaways:

  • Houthis claim missile strike on MSC Sarah V vessel in Arabian Sea.
  • Vessel reportedly targeted due to perceived Israeli association.
  • Despite Houthi claims, the vessel was not hit and crew is safe.
  • Houthis have launched numerous maritime attacks since November.
  • International community monitors increased maritime security threats.

Red Sea Yemen Youthis